
Archaeologist: Noah's Ark a Fact and Matches Three Non-Biblical Accounts

Archaeologists confirms Noah’s Ark is real and that its location and features in the southern gorge on greater Mount Ararat matches ancient descriptions by Berossus, Josephus, and in accounts of Alexander the Great.

Posted: Monday, December 07, 2020 at 11:58 AM CST

Istanbul, Turkey -- (ReleaseWire) -- 12/07/2020 --Harvard University educated archaeologist, former maritime executive, Chairperson and Senior Lecturer of the Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Department at the National University of Samoa, and president of PRC, Inc., Joel Klenck, reports that Noah's Ark is a fact and its location in a gorge on Mount Ararat in Turkey conforms to three ancient non-Biblical traditions.

Berossus, a Babylonian scholar around 330 BC noted that Noah's Ark was 5 stadia long and 2 stadia broad. Manuscripts in historic libraries in Africa note that Alexander the Great sighted the Ark in the middle of a mountain lake. Also, the Jewish historian Josephus wrote the Ark is "braced with cross beams" around AD 93.

Klenck states, "Noah's Ark is a fact. The vessel is nearly 150 meters long and broken in two parts in the southern gorge on Mount Ararat. The upper part of the Ark in Area A is on the eastern part of the gorge and the lower portion or Area B is in the western part of the gorge—an area exactly two stadia wide and five stadia in length. Second, the upper portion of the Ark in Area A is located behind a glacial moraine. Here, sediment patterns show that during warm periods the ice melted and a lake formed around the vessel. Finally, the interior of the Ark has many large cross beams at different levels strengthening the hull of the maritime vessel.

The archaeologist concludes, "Noah's Ark is factual and represents the greatest archaeological site in history and paradigm shift in our understanding of the ancient world. It is remarkable that the placement and features of the Ark conform precisely to descriptions made thousands of years ago by Berossus, Josephus, and in Alexandrian romance traditions."

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Joel Klenck: Ark in Mt. Ararat’s southern gorge.
Dr. Joel Klenck: Noah's Ark in the southern gorge of greater Mt. Ararat, in two parts, 4 to 11 meters beneath the surface, with the higher part (Area A) on the eastern side and lower part (Area B) on the western side. Red dot shows center of gorge.