Los Angeles, CA -- (ReleaseWire) -- 04/27/2017 --There are 74.2 million children in the USA with 50.4% of children under the age of 3 from minority groups. However, the majority of toys available are aimed at Caucasian, which in the year 2017 is shocking. A new business called Brown Kid Swag has been launched to change those shocking figures and provide children of color with affordable toys.
It is no secret that there is an obvious lack of toys for black children, it has been heavily highlighted in the USA and around the world, but still, toy companies are not paying attention. In a study done by Scientific American in 2015 it uncovered that despite the rapidly changing demographics within the U.S., the default race for toys, games and children's media remained Caucasian.
Debbie Behan Garrett, an author who specializes in writing about black dolls, stated in 2013, "If black children are force-fed that white is better, or if that's all they are exposed to, then they just might think, "What is wrong with me."
Brown Kid Swag is a new business that is trying to bridge the gap between black children and items that feature characters in their color. What makes this business different from others is the founder, Marcel Moore who is of Jamaican and Ghanaian descent and wants to make sure all children of the African Diaspora are represented. With her line children of Jamaican, Ghanaian, Barbadian and Haitian descent will see themselves reflected in clothing, backpacks, accessories and jewelry.
Ms. Moore is currently running an Indiegogo campaign to fund her idea. Because she believes that, the market needs a line of affordable and quality toys for children of color.
To learn more about Brown Kid Swag and to see the wide range of toys available, please visit http://brownkidswag.com
About Brown Kid Swag
Brown Kid Swag provide a line of AFFORDABLE and QUALITY products for children of color from multiple NATIONALITIES – from anime and manga to 3D art which would include: Children's Toys, Kids Apparel, Rain Gear, Accessories, Merchandising, and more.
Would you be interested in covering Brown Kid Swag? Marcel Moore is available for an interview this week, and I can help with questions about further availability.
Krystal Smith
PR Coordinator
Here are the social media handles to Brown Kid Swag:
Twitter: @Brownkidswaggco
Instagram: @BrownKidSwagg
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Brownkidswag/
The Website: http://brownkidswag.com
The Indiegogo: https://goo.gl/daZjsc
You can also view my products at www.brownkidswag.com
You can follow the business on:
Twitter: @Brownkidswaggco
Instagram @Brownkidswagg
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Brownkidswag/
Brown Kid Swag Aims to Bridge the Gap Between Children of Color and Items That Feature Characters in Their Color
Its Time for More Racial Diversity in toys says a new toy supplier who aims to tackle the major problem