
CMSC Endorses Statement from Leading Medical Organizations Regarding WHO

Posted: Friday, July 10, 2020 at 7:15 AM CDT

Hackensack, NJ -- (ReleaseWire) -- 07/10/2020 --The Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers (CMSC), President, Michael Racke, MD, announced that the Board of Governors and CMSC members endorse the following statement issued by leading medical organizations:

"The Trump administration's official withdrawal from the World Health Organization (WHO) puts the health of our country at grave risk. As leading medical organizations, representing hundreds of thousands of physicians, we join in strong opposition to this decision, which is a major setback to science, public health, and global coordination efforts needed to defeat COVID-19.

The WHO plays a leading role in protecting, supporting, and promoting public health in the United States and around the world. The agency has been on the frontlines of every global child health challenge over the last seven decades, successfully eradicating smallpox, vaccinating billions against measles, and cutting preventable child deaths by more than half since 1990. Withdrawing from the WHO puts these investments at risk and leaves the United States without a seat at the table—at a time when our leadership is most desperately needed.

As our nation and the rest of the world face a global health pandemic, a worldwide, coordinated response is more vital than ever. This dangerous withdrawal not only impacts the global response against COVID-19, but also undermines efforts to address other major public health threats. The American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Family Physicians, American College of Physicians and American Medical Association strongly oppose this short-sighted decision. We call on Congress to reject the Administration's withdrawal from the WHO and make every effort to preserve the United States' relationship with this valued global institution. Now is the time to invest in global health, rather than turn back.

Endorsed by
AAP President Sally Goza, MD
FAAP, AAFP President Gary L. LeRoy, M.D.
AMA President Susan R. Bailey, M.D.
ACP President, Jacqueline W. Fincher, MD, FACP"

Added June Halper, CEO, CMSC, "As the leading healthcare organization for Multiple Sclerosis professionals, we strongly endorse this statement from the medical community. CMSC agrees that the Trump administration's official withdrawal from WHO would be a major setback in eradicating COVID-19 as well as other major public health threats."

About Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers (CMSC)
The CMSC includes a professional network of 13,500 healthcare clinicians and scientists worldwide. Its membership represents the full spectrum of MS healthcare professionals: physicians, nursing professionals, advanced practice clinicians, pharmacists, rehabilitation and mental health professionals, researchers, and patient advocates. The work of the CMSC directly influences the quality of care for hundreds of thousands of people living with MS. For more information visit: