
Don't Let Your Criminal Record Limit Your Opportunities

To say the least, being arrested is an unpleasant and inconvenient experience. But did you know that your arrest remains on public record indefinitely, even if you have served your sentence or your case has been dismissed?

Posted: Thursday, February 23, 2023 at 1:49 PM CST

Miami, FL -- (ReleaseWire) -- 02/23/2023 --That means that anyone, anywhere, can learn about this extremely private affair. Employers may refuse to hire you, and landlords may refuse to rent to you, in addition to the obvious discomfort and social stigma. While you can legally seal or expunge a record from public access in some circumstances, it can be difficult: you must spend your own time and money to file an application, which will be denied if you do not complete it within a specified time frame, forcing you to wait even longer.

Needless to say, this is not something you can afford to put off – so leave it to the experienced Miami expungement attorneys at Hochman and Goldin, P.A. to take care of it for you. They can make your former criminal charges essentially non-existent as long as your case was dismissed or you were granted a delay of adjudication.

Your criminal record will never show up on a background check. Furthermore, having your record sealed or expunged allows you to legally deny or refuse to recognise the arrest - as if it never happened! Their seasoned Miami traffic attorneys will assist you in determining whether your case is suitable for sealing or expungement, as well as whether they are the best options for you. All of the ugly and expensive legal details will be handled by their competent and experienced team.

About Hochman & Goldin, P.A.
In their 20 years of practice, the Law Offices of Hochman & Goldin, P.A. have handled over 200,000 traffic tickets. Hochman & Goldin's attorneys have represented clients accused of various traffic violations in Miami-Dade and Broward counties.

Don't Let Your Criminal Record Limit Your Opportunities