
Enlarged Prostate, Back Pain, Kidney Stones Disease, Chronic Prostatitis, Cardiovascular, Cerebral and Joints Problems Have New Effective Therapeutic Solution

Thermobalancing therapy and therapeutic device of Dr Allen is a new treatment option for different chronic disease as it has received a patent in the US. This unique therapy provides pain relief in people with back pain, dissolves kidney stones, stops prostate enlargement, helps to recover from chronic prostatitis, cardiovascular, cerebral and joints problems.

Posted: Tuesday, August 15, 2017 at 7:11 AM CDT

Oxford, England -- (ReleaseWire) -- 08/15/2017 --All chronic internal diseases have the same cause – specific changes in the vascular system of the affected organ, which create the internal trigger - the focus of hypothermia. This trigger irritates tissue continuously and slowly increases the pressure inside the organ that leads to its malfunction. Dr Allen's Therapeutic Device by providing thermobalancing therapy precisely to every affected organ eliminates the focus of hypothermia and the pressure inside the organ. Thus the device treats effectively chronic problems such as enlarged prostate, back pain, kidney stones disease, chronic prostatitis and joints in the same way.

"We received strong empirical evidence that thermobalancing therapy helps people with back pain, dissolves kidney stones, stops prostate enlargement, helps to recover from chronic prostatitis, cardiovascular, cerebral and joints problems," says Dr Allen. "However to prove these statements we have asked medical professionals to conduct clinical trials, and they were successfully compleed."

The Department of Urology at the Yerevan State Medical University concluded two clinical trials in 124 men with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and 45 men with chronic prostatitis / chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS). The outcomes have shown the high effectiveness of this safe therapy and were published in the leading medical journals. The size of enlarged prostate or inflamed prostate reduced, all patients felt urinary symptoms and pain relief, and the improvement of the quality of life.

Read more about helpful treatment in the articles published in the medical journals of British and Iranian Urological Associations: Effect of thermobalancing therapy on chronic prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome,, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Treatment with New Physiotherapeutic Device,

About Dr Allen and Fine Treatment
Dr Simon Allen, MD, PhD is a highly experienced medical professional. He specializes in internal medicine and developed thermobalancing therapy and designed therapeutic devices. Fine Treatment from the United Kingdom sends therapeutic devices worldwide for over 7 years, so there are thousands of satisfied customers who successfully used Dr Allen's Device for prostate and lower back pain treatment, to dissolve kidney stones, improve the condition of heart and joints.

Prostate natural treatment
Prostate treatment by therapeutic device