
ExistBI Provide Tableau Training to Johnson & Johnson

Exist Management LLC (ExistBI) See An Increasing Demand For Tableau Classes

Posted: Wednesday, June 20, 2018 at 11:16 AM CDT

Los Angeles, CA -- (ReleaseWire) -- 06/20/2018 --The team at the multinational manufacturing company Johnson & Johnson were extremely satisfied by ExistBI's level of Tableau knowledge, professionalism and delivery of their unique three day Tableau Bootcamp. ExistBI offer several customized Tableau classes designed to take users from a beginner to more advanced level. The company has seen an increase in demand for Tableau training and Tableau consulting from a diverse range of businesses and government organizations. Alongside J&J, ExistBI have recently provided Tableau training classes in the finance sector for Cross Country Mortgage and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. For the US Government; the IRS, Department of Veteran Affairs and Ministry of the Environment. For Techonlogy companies such as Dropbox. In Healthcare, they have worked with Highmark and Health Net. Also for school systems such as National Association of Independent Schools and Paramount School District. And for Power & Energy, teaching Phillidelphia Gas Works. This is a real indicator on how data management and analytics effects all companies and government organisations. The ability to organize, anaylise and report on data is vital for growth and development.

'Our Certifed team of Tableau trainers and consultants have been extremely busy over the last few months, we have definitely seen an increase in demand for Tableau services. And for good reason, Tableau makes data easy to understand and there is no need to battle with coding or to get the IT department involved. This is the next generation of desktop visualizations that are accessable to all.' Max Russ, Senior Director, ExistBI.

The United Nations just recently announced an substantial agreement with Tableau Software to use this visual analytics tool to help develop their knowledge of social and political instabilities, climate change and to even pre-empt potential crisis events.

To find out more about ExistBI Tableau training and tableau consulting visit their website

How we can help you?

ExistBI solves their customers toughest challenges by providing unmatched data warehouse consulting and Big Data analytics services in digital, technology, finance, marketing, operations and enablement. With offices in California, Ohio, New Jersey, London and Zagreb, they partner with medium to large Companies and government organizations, driving innovation through intelligent data led initiatives. They have experience across most industries and all business functions to deliver transformational outcomes for a demanding new digital world.

Learn more at ExistBI.

Victoria Russell, Customer Success Manager, 310-683-0115

ExistBI Tableau Classes
ExistBI Tableau Training and Tableau Consulting