Fresno, CA -- (ReleaseWire) -- 12/13/2012 --If you’ve been looking at weight loss programs to get your 2013 New Years resolutions kicked off right, you might have noticed an explosion of ads popping up in your Google searches stating “Fat Loss Factor Scam” or “Fat Loss Factor Program Review – It’s A Scam!”
So is the ever popular Fat Loss Factor program really a scam?
In a recent interview, Charles Livingston, creator of the Fat Loss Factor said:
“Well listen, the first thing that you have to remember when you see an ad like this, is that the people who post these ads are marketers. Ads like this go back as early as the Google Cash days.
This is basically a marketing ploy that has been used for years. There have probably been hundreds of courses that teach internet marketers to use the word “scam” in their ads. It’s a term used to draw attention to the ad.
The term entices people who are debating whether or not to part with their hard earned money on a weight loss program. Of course, if they’ve had a bad purchasing experience in the past, they really want to do their homework to find out if the product is a scam or not.”
Charles goes on to say, “However, more often than not, when you click an ad that says something like Fat Loss Factor Program Review Scam, what you’ll find on the other side is actually a positive review of the program. This is especially true of the Fat Loss Factor program itself.”
“This is the highly competitive weight loss market”, Charles says.
“Many people purchasing products in this market in the past have been fooled by hyped up promises of quick weight loss without any effort.
It could be that they fell for purchasing one of those “magic” weight loss pills, or one of the many types of weight loss shakes out there promising them the world.
Let’s face it, people have been burned by the weight loss industry a few times! It’s doesn’t come as a real surprise that they are a little cautious. So when they see the word “scam” associated with an ad, they’re likely to check it out.”
Each year thousands of people get out a piece of paper and start jotting down their resolutions for the New Year coming up.
Of course, weight loss is going to be a top priority for many people wanting to get more out of 2013.
With the recent rekindled interest happening with The Fat Loss Factor program, it’s sure to be one of the most looked at weight loss programs out there, as we head into 2013.
Samantha Michaels is the executive weight loss program reviewer and web site developer at Be sure to read her latest review, The Fat Loss Factor Program Review Scam.
Fat Loss Factor Program Review - When a Scam Is Not a Scam?
Read this Fat Loss Factor Program Review Before Buying!