
Little News Ears: Free, Funny Covid-19 Distance Resource for Parents, Teachers

Little News Ears: Funny Video-Podcast News Show for Kids made by an Educator. Parents, Teachers Get Hundreds of Related Lesson Plans and Quizzes.

Posted: Friday, May 15, 2020 at 10:41 AM CDT

Jersey City, NJ -- (ReleaseWire) -- 05/15/2020 --Little News Ears, a subdivision of Zoocenia, LLC, is a newly launched podcast and video show for parents and teachers who want young children to know what's going on around the world and be able to laugh. The current line-up of BoxerBlu and Bram is geared for 4 year-olds, but all ages should be able to enjoy the show. Unlike most cartoons, each year Bram will get older, so the news can grow with children as they get older. Older episodes are always available on our Youtube Channel and on major podcasting platforms.

Little News Ears was recently seen in the national blog for Destination Imagination ( and has been tweeted about by prominent journalists ( and scientists (

Little News Ears wants to help families during this uncertain time by offering news for kids for free! And teachers with a valid school email address can get free access to our lesson plans, quizzes and vocabulary pages.

Little News Ears hits the big issues in news with sensitivity toward different points of view.

Little News Ears aims to be positive, inspiring, challenging, funny, and educational--but it is something quite different than 'kiddie news.' Complex concepts are broken down whenever possible. War, violence, and generally nightmarish things are de-emphasized, if not ignored completely. Nevertheless, it was designed by educators in the vein of Fred Rogers teaching children about the Kennedy assassination. Though sitting near a parent is not required, it is advisable, especially for the video quizzes.

BoxerBlu and Bram
BoxerBlu and Bram, Season 1 hosts of Little News Ears