ReleaseWire Issues an End of Day Report on the Following Picks for October 18th, 2012: (OTC:MAXE), (PINK:CUAU), (PINK:RIOAF), (OTC:ZERO) Is Issuing Trend Analysis Reports For: Maxwell Resources Inc. (OTC:MAXE), Casablanca Mining Ltd. (PINK:CUAU), Rio Alto Mining Limited (PINK:RIOAF), Save the World Air Inc. (OTC:ZERO)

Posted: Thursday, October 18, 2012 at 8:12 PM CDT

New York, NY -- (ReleaseWire) -- 10/18/2012 --Maxwell Resources Inc. (OTC:MAXE) traded in the range of $0.92 and $1.27 during its latest trading session. The stock had opened at $1.24 and closed at $1.16, down 10.08 percent from its previous close of $1.29. Maxwell Resources recorded the volume of 663k shares. Its average daily trading volume stands at 112k shares. The stock has traded in the range of $0.33 and $1.59 in the past 52 weeks.

Maxwell Resources reported that Roy Pillmore, a coal geologist has joined the company. Mr. Pillmore has joined the company as a consulting geologist. Maxwell Resources is a development stage company and is located out of Canada.

Find out if MAXE could bounce back by reading the free trend analysis report here:

Casablanca Mining Ltd. (PINK:CUAU) stock closed its latest trading session at $0.36, down 2.70 percent from its previous close of $0.37. The stock opened the session at $0.39 and touched its highest price point at $0.45. Casablanca Mining stock’s lowest price point for the session stood at $0.35. Its latest trading volume has been recorded at 1.697 million shares, in contrast to the average daily trading volume of 75k shares.

Casablanca Mining reported that it has secured funding for construction at its Los Pinos rock gold project. The project is based in Chile. The company also begins to start gold production at Las Dichas property.

Find out more about CUAU by reading the free trend analysis report here:

Rio Alto Mining Limited (PINK:RIOAF) traded in the range of $5.43 and $5.62 during its latest trading session. The stock had opened at $5.43 and closed at $5.55, down 0.30 percent from its previous close of $5.57. Rio Alto Mining recorded the volume of 63.2k shares. Its average daily trading volume stands at 25.8k shares. The company stock has traded in the range of $2.38 and $5.94 during its past 52 weeks.

Rio Alto Mining reported that it poured 47,010 ounces of gold at its La Arena Gold Mine during the quarter ended on September 30, 2012.

Find out where RIOAF could be heading by reading the free trend analysis report here:

Save the World Air Inc. (OTC:ZERO) stock closed its latest trading session at $1.58, down 3.66 percent from its previous close of $1.64. The stock opened the session at $1.70 and touched its highest price point at $1.71. Save the World Air stock’s lowest price point for the session stood at $1.45. Its latest trading volume has been recorded at 621k shares, in contrast to the average daily trading volume of 736k shares.

Save the World Air Inc. is engaged in the business of providing green technology solutions. The company is based out of Santa Barbara in California.

Find out when could be a good moment to trade ZERO by reading the free trend analysis report here:

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