
Most Beautiful Women in the World Kristen Wetherbee Margret Asta Roxy Louw and Taryn Walker New Faces Among Celebrities on the 2015 Most Beautiful List Nominee Selections

Well known model Donna Feldman actress Katheryn Winnick named to the 2015 Most Beautiful List Nominee selection. A-List nominee selections for June 2015 included: Taylor Swift, Charlize Theron, and Kate Upton. Lizzie Fuller (IMG Worldwide) the former Miss Great Britain, Hannah Furguson, Irina Shayk, and Gigi Hadid were also added to June's nominees.

Posted: Friday, July 11, 2014 at 3:53 PM CDT

Hollywood, CA -- (ReleaseWire) -- 07/11/2014 --Roxy by far the most known of the new faces selected in June, through her surfing career but Taryn Walker was featured on Jay Leno as a "Beach Bomb shell" his last week of being the Jay Leno Show. Most Beautiful List selects five hundred (500) women over 12 months. They watch the careers of developing talent as well as house hold names. It is important that we scan the world looking for new faces. Many lists have the same women on them for decades. If we are truly looking for the Most Beautiful 100 women in the world, we can not play favorites," says Rich Mahee, Founder of Most Beautiful List.

Margret Asta Icelandic actress is named to the 2015 Most Beautiful Nominee List along with young working actors who are developing their careers in the US Kristen Wetherbee, Taryn Walker. "We came across Margret when we finalized our 2014 list. She as among the top 5 picked for the European List," says Oliver Del Camino, Most Beautiful List Producer and producer for Very Cool Now . Margret from Iceland is working in the US on projects. Her career has grown substantially in the past 24 months.

What is exciting about Most Beautiful List ( It follows well known models like Visa Black Card Model, Donna Feldman, who just finished a GQ India campaign. Its parent company Mahvrick releases the names at mid night every January 1 for the past 5 years. This creates excitement heading into a new year, but also it is a day that everyone in the world sleeps in. During the course of the week that we distribute the list to our media outlets in over 20 countries we get almost 14 million combined impressions.

2015 will be incredible year for Most Beautiful List. "We have new sponsors like Breatheic ( who have come on to do a series of lifestyle events with Mahvrick. We do not take sponsors for the list itself, but we do have many of the nominees attend sponsored events every year," says Pramo Virk, UK.

About Mahvrick
Mahvrick Casting (DE) a division of Mahvrick (Richard V. Mahee backwards – headed up by the former private investment banker, has strategic business relationships with major service providers in the news, music and video distribution industries. Mahvrick's client's have over Two Hundred and Fifty (250) million records sold worldwide in both rock and urban genres. Mahvrick and Global Entertainment Holdings (OTC: GBHL) are partners in a joint venture entity whose purpose is to raise global awareness, finance, and distribute content from individuals, as well as budding stars who want a part in a music video, commercial, DVD or a Film produced by Global-Mahvrick and its clients or partners.

Kristen Wetherbee
Kristen Wetherbee