
The Weak Spot of New Mattress Startups Discussed in Latest Best Mattress Reviews Article

New mattress startups like Casper and Tuft and Needle are betting that consumers prefer less choice, but is that a sustainable solution?

Posted: Thursday, June 18, 2015 at 11:18 AM CDT

Houston, TX -- (ReleaseWire) -- 06/18/2015 --There is no debate that the mattress industry is undergoing a pretty significant shift in recent years. New bedding technologies have given rise to fastly growing specialty mattress categories and the evolution of online shopping is changing where people buy and how they research. New generations are also approaching shopping in different ways.

To meet new demands and reach new markets, a handful of startups have launched in the past couple years with an eye on solving problems and complaints they see in traditional models. One area of focus for most of the mattress startups is simplicity in the buying process, and for some, a very limited product range that aims to take the guess work of choosing a bed.

Best Mattress Reviews, a blog on bed brands and mattress shopping, recently covered this subject in an article titled, "Do Consumers Want Fewer Options? Newer Mattress Startups Think So." Published on June 16, the post explains the reasoning behind the trend towards fewer choices and the pros and cons for consumers.

While many people find shopping for mattress intimidating and confusing, Best Mattress Reviews postulates this is due less to variety and more to traditional lack of transparency, confusing pricing, and high pressure sales models.

Based on information from reviews and studies, the article explains how things like firmness and mattress thickness affect comfort, and why one-size-fits-all leaves many people out. Five newer mattress startups including Amerisleep, Casper, Saatva, Tuft & Needle and Yoga Bed are briefly compared to show differences in product offerings, options and reviews as well.

Also covered are the things mattress startups are improving upon, including things like making mattress details and policies more transparent, pioneering online models that offer convenience and value, and speaking to the social aspect of shopping and buying.

The article is available in full on the Best Mattress Reviews website, along with a variety of other brand comparisons, buying guides on mattresses and adjustable bases, and more for interested readers.

About is a bed blog dedicated to providing mattress and sleep product information. On the blog, independent industry professionals provide expert opinions and recommendations backed by research and customer reviews. The website aims to make the buying and research process a little simpler by collecting and analyzing information in a digestible, enjoyable format.

The Weak Spot of New Mattress Startups -BestMattressReviews
The Weak Spot of New Mattress Startups Discussed in Latest Best Mattress Reviews Article