
Personalized Guide to Mattress Comfort Released by What's the Best Bed

Mattress blog announces it’s latest article, a guide detailing how individuals' sleep habits relate to mattress comfort.

Posted: Thursday, July 31, 2014 at 1:22 PM CDT

San Diego, CA -- (ReleaseWire) -- 07/31/2014 --Mattress comfort proves quite individual, and for many, also elusive. There is no single mattress that everyone will find comfortable because many personal factors, from size to sleep position, all affect how a bed will feel.

To help those who have difficulty finding their mattress match, What’s The Best Bed, a blog on mattresses and sleep, recently released, “How Your Sleep Habits Affect Mattress Comfort.” Published July 30, the detailed guide explains how personal factors and habits influence comfort and provides pointers on what to look for when buying a bed.

Rather than suggest the standard, one-size-fits-all guidelines, WTBB explains how different habits and preferences may prefer certain mattress traits over others.

The article looks at sleep position, including how mattress comfort and support needs vary for side, back and stomach sleepers. Size, height and health issues that may influence comfort are explained, as are tips for hot sleepers and for couples who share a bed.

The factors, taken together with people’s basic preferences, make it easier to identify potentially comfortable mattresses, and may make it easier to communicate needs to salespeople as well. WTBB provides a few examples of putting the pieces together, giving hypothetical recommendations for two different types of sleepers.

WTBB also reminds readers about the importance of researching, checking return policies and reading reviews before buying. Anyone considering a new mattress will likely pick up a few helpful suggestion in the guide, and the website also links to several other articles on mattress types and comparisons for interested readers.

About is a mattress blog dedicated to helping shoppers figure out which is the best bed for their needs. Through easy-to-read, informative posts readers can access information on top brands and a variety of mattress types provided by unbiased, knowledgeable sources. From professional assessments and consumer reviews to coverage of the latest mattress industry headlines, the website provides a wealth of resources to consumers researching beds.

Personalized Guide to Mattress Comfort by WhatsTheBestBed