
Pre-Market Trend Analysis Research For: (OTCQB: AMBS), (OTCQB: WUHN)

Posted: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 at 7:12 AM CST

New York, NY -- (ReleaseWire) -- 01/23/2013 --AmarantusBioScience Inc. (OTCQB:AMBS) announced publication of independent peer-reviewed data for receptor and secretion pathways related to MANF

“This publication provides further insight into the biological profile of MANF and the proteins it interacts with in both an autocrine and paracrine fashion,” said Gerald E. Commissiong, President & CEO of Amarantus. “As we learn more about its biological functions, we believe the Company is likely to find additional avenues to commercially exploit MANF’s breakthrough biology, and bring new meaningful treatments to patients in a variety of indications, including orphan indications.”

AMBS owns the intellectual property rights to a therapeutic protein known as Mesencephalic-Astrocyte-derived Neurotrophic Factor ("MANF") and is developing MANF-based products as treatments for brain disorders.

Find out where AMBS could be headed by getting the free full report here:

AimHighProfits initiated coverage on Wuhan General Group China Inc. (OTCQB:WUHN). WUHN was up 672.15% in the last traded session and closed at $0.305. The stock moved up $ 0.266 on volume of 4.65M versus a 30 day average volume of 6,467.00.

Through its subsidiaries, Wuhan Blower, Wuhan Generating and Wuhan Sungreen, Wuhan General is a leading manufacturer of industrial blowers and turbines in China and the Company is based in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. Wuhan Blower is a China-based manufacturer of industrial blowers that are principal components of steam-driven electrical power generation plants. Wuhan Generating is a China-based manufacturer of industrial steam and water turbines used for electricity generation in coal, oil, nuclear and hydroelectric power plants.

Find out more on WUHN by getting the free full report here:

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Alexander K. Neumann
Monster Trading Alerts