
Book by New Author Shows Joyous Path of True Surrender to Christ

Posted: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 at 3:00 PM CST

Williamsburg, VA. -- (SBWIRE) -- 01/4/2006 -- Christian author John Forosisky speaks with passion about the freedom available to those who fully put their trust in Jesus Christ. That passion comes from Forosisky's own experience of learning the secret of surrendering control of his life to the lordship of Christ.

John Forosisky's new book Passenger's Side: Putting Jesus Christ in Charge of your life, officially released January 4 th, is both an account of his experience in stepping into that freedom, as well as an extended invitation to readers to join him in a lifelong adventure of joy and fruitful living.

"As God revealed to me the awesome joy and fulfillment that comes from surrendering to His care and total provision, I immediately thought, 'I've got to share this with others,'" recalled Forosisky of the process that led to his authoring his first book. "Little did I know that God would set me down in front of my computer, lead me to put my experience in book form, and actually share it with readers across the nation and world."

In Passenger's Side Forosisky recalls the turning point that came in his own life as a Christian when he realized that he was desperate for a more intimate relationship with God. "I felt drawn to Him," he said. "I began to desire God's word. I wanted to learn more, and to grow. I wanted Jesus as my close friend and helper."

It's a point, he emphasizes, that all believers must come to if they are to fully realize the potential God has for each of them. "Too many Christians try to live out their faith while keeping their hands on the controls of life," he explained. "Of course, that's a recipe for total frustration."

The book's title comes from a poem Forosisky wrote as the frustration in his own life led him to the determination that he had to surrender his life and future totally to God's care. "I finally came to the realization that I wanted the Lord to be in charge of my life," recalled Forosisky.

The poignant poem, which is reproduced in full in the book, concludes with the author's invitation, "Here Lord, I want YOU to sit in the driver's seat of my own life, and take the wheel. I will stay right up here with you, so that I can see where we are going, from right where I belong … the passenger's side."

In Passenger's Side Forosisky guides readers through the process that comes when, in their own way, they offer that same invitation to God. The book is, in essence, a discipleship manual for Spirit-filled living, that helps readers step into the total provision that comes through salvation in Jesus Christ. Forosisky helps readers understand, among other things, the joy that comes from: living daily in the miraculous; practicing the presence of God through prayer; learning to love others through Christ; recognizing the presence of angelic assistance sent from God's throne; resting on Christ the Rock; and making the choices in life that please God.
Explained Forosisky, "My desire is that this book will lead thousands of Christians to begin the ride of their life – for the rest of their life – on the passenger's side."

For more about the book Passenger's Side and author John Michael Forosisky, visit