
MAHSRA Releases Insights on the Virtual Conception of Tyranny and Peace

When tyrants are on political seats, the country seems to be stable and peaceful at a glance, but when their governments are toppled, what becomes of the stable and peaceful nature that seemed to be under the autocratic or tyranny rulers?

Posted: Tuesday, December 23, 2014 at 12:45 AM CST

Bamenda, North West Region -- (ReleaseWire) -- 12/23/2014 --Modern Advocacy Humanitarian Social and Rehabilitation Association (MAHSRA), an NGO based in Bamenda – Cameroon and in Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council ECOSOC [2013], has published some insights on the virtual conception of tyranny and peace.

Through an obvious analytical review on the current eventualities of governance crises faced within those countries which have had a regime change from an autocratic to a seeming democratic rule and for the need to discourage tyranny or autocratic governance options, MAHSRA's public concern in the direction has recently been assessed as one of the priority regards in facing global conflict challenges.

In this respect, the organization, under the dedicated leadership of its very active CEO, Dr. Kelly NGYAH, highlights that, comparatively, when a country under an autocratic ruler or a tyrant seems to be more stable and virtually peaceful than that which is going through a transitional democracy phase, then, such a masked notion of country stability, brings in misleading notions that autocracy or tyranny maybe the solution for Peace in States.

Of course, tyrants and autocrats possess the conditioned suppressive power to induce and maintain a country atmosphere which is free of major violent conflicts, but, can such a stable framework be sustained when they leave power?

In the attempt to explain the detrimental impacts of a prolonged tyranny rule over the long-term peace and stability of a country, the CEO, within the document, explains that the type of forceful customary allegiance earned within a tyranny rule is usually against the individual's free-will, and therefore, makes it impossible for maintaining such pre-existent stability when tyranny rule is toppled.

In addition, within more specific guidelines, the work examines example tyranny rules whose enlightened absolutist reigns have been toppled and compares the post-regime's country status on peace and stability with that of its former despotic or autocratic rule.

Besides the release, MAHSRA as well, indicates that it is undergoing a series of research works on community conflicts' intervention schemes and best ways for integrating pragmatic peace policy development and direct peace activity growth within local, national, intergovernmental, and international frameworks. And thus, is highly soliciting support from the public.

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Author's Profile at: Dr. Kelly NGYAH

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TYRANNY AND PEACE: A Virtual Spectrum