
MAHSRA Draws Previews on the Concept of Democracy as a Conflict Catalyst

Both historical and modern conceptions of democracy prove it to be the ideal human governance model. However, is democracy just a means to promote individual liberties, or is it an ideal for achieving world peace and stability? There is a failure somewhere… Where?

Posted: Tuesday, December 23, 2014 at 1:30 AM CST

Bamenda, North West Region -- (ReleaseWire) -- 12/23/2014 --Through its continuing efforts to promote global peace works, Modern Advocacy Humanitarian Social and Rehabilitation Association (MAHSRA), an NGO based in Bamenda – Cameroon and in Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council ECOSOC [2013], releases another thriller document on the investigative faults of democracy on conflicts.

In view that several contrasting positions on the rule of democracy in local, national and global perspectives exist, the liberal democratic constitutionality approach is assessed to be the most practical methodology for applying democratic objectivism. But, in line with other internal legal dispositions under constitutional democracies, there is bound to be an incessant influx of contradictory and realist applications that create tensions within the society or, act as conflict mitigates.

In critique, such a realist and conflict promoter position of democratic politics highlights the detrimental extends to which, though striving to foster individual liberties and freedoms, the true nature of human egoistic and individualistic tendencies may 'licitly' steepen separatist ideologies and communities which are liable to inflict grave conflicts within the society.

In another regard, meanwhile individual liberties are analyzed and criticized to be a source of conflict in the society under the spectrum of democracy, at the same time, and comparatively, the conceptual appreciation of democracy with respect to other totalitarian governance models, is acknowledged to foster social and distributive justice meanwhile, preventing the very bitter strives.

As such, in line to brace more insights to the mentioned query, the CEO, Dr. Kelly NGYAH, within this study, primarily, paves the understanding of the concept of democracy from its historical roots to its modern development perspectives and then, uses liberal constitutionalist and representative democratic notions to examine the problematic of democracy as a conflict catalyst factor, as well as, a conflict preventer ideal.

Besides the release, MAHSRA as well, indicates that it is undergoing a series of research works on community conflicts' intervention schemes and best ways for integrating pragmatic peace policy development and direct peace activity growth within local, national, intergovernmental, and international frameworks. And thus, is highly soliciting support from the public.

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Democracy and Conflicts

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Author's Profile at: Kelly NGYAH PhD

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Democracy and Conflicts