
George Funk Launches Crowdfunding Campaign to Own a Small Business He Spent His Life Building

After 27 Years of Working Alongside a Man Who Raised Him as His Own, George Has the Opportunity of a Lifetime.

Posted: Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at 11:57 AM CST

Waupaca, WI -- (ReleaseWire) -- 02/25/2015 --Although the distant memory of losing his father still pains him, George Funk had the good fortune to have a good friend of his family who stepped in as a father figure and mentor. Bill did something wonderful and kind for George by being there for him during one of the hardest times of anyone's life. Bill made it a point to put George's feet on the right path by giving him a job in his successful family business based at the Waupaca Chain O' Lakes in Waupaca, Wisconsin.

A favorite destination of families looking for fun, George has been working in the family business as if he were just another member of Bill's own family. For the past 27 years, George has made families and people from every walk of life happy by working on all the amenities that makes this place so special; working on the lakefront facilities for boaters, making sure people could enjoy the water tubing safely, repairing and renovating the cottages, making sure the canoe trips ran smoothly and so much more.

George has the rare opportunity to become a partner in this successful, historic business and take his 27 years of hard work and turn it into sweat equity, along with a sizeable cash buy in. George knows everything there is to know about this business and is confident he can grow it. That's because he's seen the ups and downs, the ins and outs, and everything there is to know about this fantastic family destination.

Frank's crowdfunding goal of $50,000, if reached, will enable him to buy a large stake in the business with the very real possibility of 100% ownership down the road so he can live the dream while setting an example for his sons that through perseverance and hard work, anything is possible.

This crowdfunding project ends on March 27, 2015.

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Opportunity Knocks