
Safe Money Radio Launches on KSTE 650 to Help Baby Boomers Secure Their Financial Future

Tom Beinar, financial planner and strategist to baby boomers ages 55 to 70, announces the launch of his new radio show. Tackling subjects like annuities, safe money options and longstanding income potential the show heard on KSTE 650 Talk Radio is poised to take the mystery out of thinking ahead.

Posted: Thursday, June 26, 2014 at 1:20 PM CDT

Carmichael, CA -- (ReleaseWire) -- 06/26/2014 --Tom Beinar, owner of now launches himself into the wide world of talk radio with his new show entitled, “Safe Money Radio”. The show will take the fear out of safeguarding hard-earned principal savings and help promote ongoing income options. Working primarily with baby boomers at, near, or in retirement ages 55 to 70, Beinar can be heard on KSTE 650 Talk Radio every Sunday at 6:00 a.m. PST.

Strategically offering information on how to protect oneself from the volatility found in the market Beinar said of his radio talk show, “So many of my clients still have the financial horror of 2008 at the forefront of their minds. This fear, rightly so, hinders them from making moves that could be very advantageous for their financial future. It’s my job to take the mystery out of safe money options.”

Bringing his listener’s rapt attention to ways to bolster income like fixed index annuities and life insurance products Beinar will give hope to the weary investor. Keen to share insights, on his radio show Beinar will highlight indexed annuities that have shown record-setting years from 2009 to 2012. With better upside potential than, for instance, lower yield CDs Beinar keeps his clients and his listener’s lifetime income top of mind. Keeping investments protected from stock market fluctuations the financial planner and radio host will share resources for gaining ongoing income that cannot be outlived.

About Safe Money Radio
Safe Money Radio is a show heard on KSTE 650 Talk Radio. Hosted by Tom Beinar the show highlights safe money options via annuities and life insurance products for baby boomers facing retirement.

Tom Beinar
