
The Lambert Firm Releases Free Maritime Injuries E-Book to Help Educate Injured Workers About Their Rights

Posted: Tuesday, April 11, 2017 at 1:26 PM CDT

New Orleans, LA -- (ReleaseWire) -- 04/11/2017 --Each year, many offshore workers are injured or killed while working offshore. To better help offshore workers understand their rights after an accident, The Lambert Firm, a highly respected New Orleans-based maritime injury law firm, has released a free e-book, "Maritime and Offshore Injuries: Protecting Injured Workers' Rights," available for free download from the Lambert Firm website.

Under the Jones Act and General Maritime law, maritime workers may seek compensation for the pain, suffering and financial losses they have suffered as a result of their on the job injuries. The Lambert Firm's e-book explains the types of accidents and injuries maritime workers may experience, as well as the rules and laws that protect them, in a straightforward, easy to understand style.

"High paying maritime and offshore opportunities attract a lot of workers to the maritime industry," says Hugh Lambert, founder of the firm and a maritime attorney with 40 years of experience. "If you or a family member works in a maritime job, we encourage you to take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the dangers of offshore work and what rights you have if you are injured. Offshore work is often high risk, exposing workers to a wide range of hazards that can result in severe injuries or even death.

"Injuries are common, and there are laws in place to ensure your right to medical and financial recovery if you are hurt. One big problem injured workers experience involves proving their claim. In addition to the risks, maritime workplaces are in relatively isolated environments that are completely under an employer's control. Investigation of maritime accidents requires the work of dedicated attorneys who possess the necessary experience and expertise to effectively represent a worker's offshore injury claim."

"Maritime and Offshore Injuries: Protecting Injured Workers' Rights" covers such topics as: the dangers of maritime work, maritime laws and governance, types of maritime accidents and their causes, common offshore injuries, the prevention of offshore accidents and how maritime attorneys can help injured workers.

You can download a free copy of the maritime injuries e-book "Maritime and Offshore Injuries: Protecting Injured Workers' Rights" here.

About The Lambert Firm
With a 40-plus year history of professional excellence and trial experience, the Louisiana maritime attorneys at The Lambert Firm consistently earn some of the highest ratings available. Many of their cases come via referral from other law firms because of the firm's substantial experience and proven track record of delivering results for clients.

The e-book represents the firm's latest effort to provide offshore workers and their families with the information they need to protect themselves and their legal rights.

If you're a maritime worker who was injured on the job, contact The Lambert Firm today at 800-521-1750 for immediate assistance from a team of attorneys who understand your industry and how to put the law to work for you.