Press Releases From 04/08/2012 Until 09/27/2024

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Carrefour Spain: Consumer Profile - New Market Research Report

LogoCarrefour Spain: Consumer Profile is the result of Canadean's extensive online consumer survey Carrefour in Spain, presenting uniquely detailed data on Carrefour's end-consumers. It provides retailer profiles for both Main and Occasional consumers (determined by the share of their goods coming from this retailer) covering over 25 individual consumer groups, and retailer share at product category level.

"Wound Care in Italy" Now Available at Fast Market Research

LogoWound care recorded growth of 3% in current value terms in 2011, with sales reaching EUR169 million. Price competition remained the key strategy in maintaining value share for the major players, both within the more dynamic category of sticking plasters/adhesive bandages and also in gauze, tape and other wound care. Chemists/pharmacies saw a decrease in share, with sales being cannibalised by mass-market distribution channels.

"Packaged Food Ingredients: Trends and Influences" Now Available at Fast Market Research

LogoThere are multiple trends and influences at play in the global packaged food industry, so much so that the single most important challenge for ingredients suppliers is to balance the many contrasting needs of both manufacturers and consumers. This report provides an overview of the market for packaged food ingredients and examines the key trends and developments in each of the main ingredient categories, highlighting the best opportunities for future growth.

"Sugar and Sweeteners in Mexico" Now Available at Fast Market Research

LogoSweeteners are gaining ground in the preference of industries and people that consume low calorie products. This has led to a contraction in the per capita consumption of sugar from 50kg to 42kg; in contrast, fructose consumption boomed. Direct consumption by households remains stable at about 21kg per capita.

RTD Coffee in South Korea - New Market Report Now Available

LogoIn 2011 RTD coffee continued to show a strong performance, recording 15% growth in total volume terms. This was related to the increasing popularity of specialist coffee shop brands during 2011, and RTD coffee also recorded healthy growth accordingly. Manufacturers of RTD coffee actively launched premium RTD coffee products in alliance with existing specialist coffee shops. RTD coffee makers could utilise their established brand name and premium image, and specialist coffee shop operators could...

Home Furnishings in Germany - New Market Report Now Available

LogoMarket saturation in the furniture and furnishings category continued also in 2011. The leading retail outlet chains expanded rapidly in the last decade creating a surplus in selling space, which came to 22 million sq m in 2010, according to the Bundesverband des Deutschen Mobel, Kuchen und Einrichtungsfachhandels (the furniture trades association). This has led to severe price competition amongst the leading retailers, which eroded the value growth in the category.

"Consumer Lifestyles in Hong Kong, China" Now Available at Fast Market Research

LogoWith its economy largely based on banking and financial services, Hong Kong has had a bumpy ride since the economic downturn. Regardless, consumers in the small territory still drive demand for a wide range of goods and services, including luxury goods. Over the next several years, the territory will be working to integrate more closely with the mainland, a shift that will significantly change consumer attitudes and habits.

Sensory Fusion: Consumer and Innovation Trends - New Market Report Now Available

LogoConsumers are seeking more intensity and sensation from products. Manufacturers and brands, therefore, are increasingly strategizing in their sensory marketing to engage their customers. Despite that, many brands are still in the era of the sight and sound marketing paradigm, which has huge untapped opportunities in appealing to all senses to create one unified, stunning customer experience.

"Ethical and Environmental Consumerism and its Impact on the US Personal Care Market" Published

LogoOver 70% of American consumers agree that environmental damage is a key threat to the world, but is this concern translating into action? Find out as we explore "green" hot buttons that are resonating with consumers, issues and concerns that are holding consumers back and how personal care and beauty companies are working to counter these objections.

New Market Study Published: Mutuals and Community Banks - The Strategic Lessons

LogoThere is increasing scrutiny by listed institutions of any perceived or real unwarranted advantages enjoyed by the organisations discussed in this report. And their concerns about the lack of a level playing field continue. In the US, it is hard not to sympathise with a banking system that is both subject to the rigours of meeting stock-market expectations, while competing with the credit union movement. Many of the credit unions have the size, strength and product range of the banks with which they are competing - but also continue to enjoy tax-exempt status. Moreover, as the case study reviewing the position of the Delta Community Credit Union reveals, this type of institution is able to widen the qualifying criteria for membership should the need arise. Overall, this debate in the US seems unlikely to subside without some movement. The European Union did rule in favour of the withdrawal of valuable German state guarantees, which were an advantage enjoyed by the savings bank movement and other organisations. The movement has come to terms with the increased cost of funding that this created. Developments in the German banking sector in 2010-11 have had the effect of placing much of the system under renewed and severe scrutiny. The activities of the Landesbanken have been an issue for many years, and their underperformance has placed a strain on the whole of the community, mutual and state banking sector.

Market Report, "Construction in Spain - Key Trends and Opportunities to 2015", Published

LogoThe construction industry is a significant contributor to the Spanish economy and was the primary factor behind the robust economic growth in country recorded between 1997 and 2007. During the period, low interest rates, mortgages extending up to 50 years, favorable tax policies for house ownership, mass immigration from neighboring European countries and a surge of foreign investments in the real estate market, particularly from the UK and Germany, were attributed to the significant growth within the Spanish construction industry. By 2007, the Spanish construction industry's contribution to GDP reached 16%, compared with the EU average of 6%. However, in 2008, the sub-prime crisis in the US resulted in a global economic recession, which adversely affected the Spanish economy and the country's construction industry.

Recently Released Market Study: Challenges and Opportunities for the Wealth Sector in Brazil

LogoThis report is a thorough analysis of the Brazilian Wealth Management and Private Banking sector, and the opportunities and challenges that it faces.

"Mongolia Mining Report Q3 2012" Now Available at Fast Market Research

LogoGrowth in Mongolia's mining industry will be led by a rampant increase in coal, copper and gold production. The bulk of this growth will occur in 2013 as the Oyu Tolgoi copper-gold mine begins commercial production. There is an upside risk to our forecast as development of the massive Tavan Tolgoi mine could start sooner than expected.

India Shipping Report Q3 2012 - New Market Research Report

LogoThe primary issue in Indian shipping continues to be the state of the nation's ports. Investment in the 12 'major' state-run facilities has not kept up with the demand engendered by the rapid economic growth experienced in India over the past decade. This is leading to repeated issues of congestion in the ports; investment is now being made, but this may be a case of too little too late. The contrast between these creaking facilities and the newly built private ports which are increasing in number around the country is stark.

"Cambodia Power Report Q3 2012" Now Available at Fast Market Research

LogoBMI View: The major players in Asian power supply are clamouring to invest in Cambodia, with the result that huge capacity expansion can be expected from around 2015, as hydro, gas and coal-based schemes are brought into play. This should leave the country with plentiful spare generation, even if there are several years of 8-10% annual average demand growth. Neighbouring Vietnam, which will finance a number of power projects, plans to make good use of Cambodia's potential export capability, as does Thailand if a major coal-fired scheme reaches fruition.

Market Report, "United Arab Emirates Petrochemicals Report Q3 2012", Published

LogoThis quarter's UAE petrochemicals report examines the continuing expansion of polyolefins and aromatics production centred on Abu Dhabi. We also look at how the sector will continue to respond to changes in the structure and pace of growth in the Chinese market.

"Oman Telecommunications Report Q3 2012" Now Available at Fast Market Research

LogoDuring this quarter's update to BMI's Oman Telecommunications report, we have updated our five-year growth forecast for the mobile, fixed-line and internet sectors based latest regulatory and operator data for YE11. It also includes updates to our mobile ARPU forecast as well as analysis of recent regulatory and industry development expected to affect the telecoms market.

Businesses Requiring Small Metal Parts in Delaware Are Turning to AMSN

It's no surprise the First State has been the latest market for and its growing network of custom manufacturers. Today, the company approved 26 additional machine/job shops specializing in small metal parts, mold making, custom molded plastic parts, metalworking, machining and plastic fabrication at AMSN said all of the 26 vendors serve businesses in Dover, Wilmington, Seaford, Milford, Newark, Middletown, Smyrna, Elsmwere, Georgetown and other areas throughout Delaware.

White Loans Offer Payday Loans the Easy Way

Oftentimes, and evermore in the present economy, consumers are finding it hard to make ends meet and can unexpectedly discover they have come up short on their finances, even where major bills like utilities and mortgages are concerned. Sometimes, there is no other option to take out a loan, yet in these risk-averse times, applying for and getting a loan approved can be a long and arduous process. White Loans aim to save consumers from this potential disaster. Offers World's Most Advanced 'Spa Locator'

Allowing users to use intuitive searching to find the right spa for them, ensures that the perfect pamper is only a click (and a short drive) away.

The Peter Leeds Penny Stocks Guide Is an Online Newsletter Specializing in Penny Stock Picks

The Penny Stocks Guide, the online newsletter that teaches the basic principles of penny stock trading, announces the ability to try out the online newsletter at no cost and learn how to specialize in penny stock picks. Investors can earn huge profits as they reveal undiscovered penny stocks of the highest quality at still discounted prices. The online newsletter provides information on the top penny stocks available in the market. The newsletter publishes a price range opinion at which to buy the stocks as well as providing both short and long term sell ranges. The Penny Stock Guide is a comprehensive and impartial resource for investors interested in penny stocks investing. It also offers investors additional resources and research tools to ensure winning stock picks in the penny stock market and which stocks to avoid.

Wedding Bands and Engagement Rings for Men and Women

LogoWedding bands have continually evolved over the course of the last few decades. Wedding bands and engagement rings emanate a sense of elegance and simplicity, all at the same time. Wedding bands and engagement rings are an important element of becoming married, but they are also a long-lasting symbol of love and commitment. Wedding bands offer a sophisticated touch of elegance to the wedding day and beyond. Wedding bands come in a wide range of styles and design so one can find a ring that matches with his/her personal style and budget.

Enjoy Breathtaking Views and Mouthwatering Cuisine at the Water Works Restaurant and Lounge in Philadelphia, PA

Enjoy delicious business lunches in the Breezeway, or casual cocktails in the Caretaker’s Lounge at the Water Works Restaurant and Lounge. The superb setting, service, and dining found only at the Water Works Restaurant and Lounge will provide unmatched magic to special moments of every kind.

Do As I Say: A New Murder Mystery by David A. Sterling Draws Readers Into a Murder Investigation Where Nothing Is As It Appears to Be

For David A. Sterling’s protagonist Agent Bennett Mills, life just isn’t easy. After waking up to the news that the man he was charged to protect was assassinated things just continue to go downhill from there. Each page guarantees another twist to this incredibly captivating plot

Interactive Tappable Tales ... Captivating Narratives for the Digital Age

From eBooks to the advent of the electronic reader, the digital age is equipping readers with a myriad of new and exciting ways to engage with literature. However, none is quite as unique as Tappable Tales, an immersive and powerful story format developed by entertainment veterans Michael and Muffy Berlyn.