Healthcare: Pharmaceuticals - Press Releases Sees Sales of Garcinia Cambogia Extract Weight Loss Aid Skyrocket

Sales are soaring for appetite suppressant Garcinia Cambogia with potassium and calcium on with a 214 percent increase in the supplements sales for early 2013.

Saffron Extract Select Now Offers Extra 1 Month Supply on Purchase of 2 Month Package

Saffron Extract Select is a product that can be effective in satisfying one’s appetite quickly and give the effect of fullness. It is also decreasing the levels of Serotonin, which is a stress hormone. The recover emotional health connected to consumption of the extract can be durable and encourage greater stability. It can lower your food craving so it is the best product for weight loss.

Garcinia Cambogia Becomes the Hottest New Diet Pill of 2013

LogoA new weight loss revolution has been sweeping worldwide, and it’s fast becoming a huge success. Health food and nutrition stores have seen huge demand in a supplement called Garcinia Cambogia, thanks in part to the recent recommendation by US talk show host - Dr. Oz.

USA Made Perfect Green Coffee Bean Extract Is a Top Seller in Canada

LogoThe green coffee bean extract product Perfect Green Coffee is a top selling nutritional supplement in the US, but its second most popular destination is Canada. According to, a leading international retailer of specialty supplements, Canada is the second most popular location for Perfect Green Coffee sales, second only to the United States. Perfect Green Coffee ships to over 200 countries worldwide. More information can be found by clicking here

Green Coffee Bean Max Enter the Multi-Media Age with Viral Video Promoting New Exercise Offer

Online marketing is a mercurial beast, but for those who can strike the right balance, it pays huge dividends. No wonder then that an industry as thriving as diet supplements is investing in this new means by which to attract customers. Green Coffee Bean Max is a supplier of green coffee bean extract, a supplement that accelerates human metabolism to aid weight loss. The company has created a new video advertisement for use in social media platforms, offering exclusive access to an exercise guide with every new purchase.

Proactol Plus Review Website Gives Dieters the Skinny on Natural Weight Loss Supplement Proactol

Proactol Plus is being called one of the most innovative slimming supplements on the market today but dieters want to know if the weight-loss supplement lives up to all of its recent hype. wants to help answer those concerns with its newly launched review website focusing on reviews and informative articles about this natural weight loss product.

Wisconsin Gets First Clinic Focusing on Erectile Dysfunction and Similar Conditions

LogoMale sexual health rates among the top health concerns with men over 40, competing among men with back pain as the #1 non-life threatening, or quality of life, health concern. Male sexual health is a term which encompasses a variety of conditions including erectile dysfunction (ED), low testosterone (Low-T), Premature Ejaculation (PE) and Low Sex Drive.

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Announces Its Most Affordable hCG Diet Plans to Date with Flexible Payment Plans

LogoAs prices of medical weight loss continue to rise, Diet Doc continues to offer patients the lowest priced weight loss with flexible payments. The company now offers flexible payment plans, designed much like its hCG diet plans, individually tailored around each patient. Initially, patient individual needs are evaluated, after which a customized payment plan is developed based on ability and necessity. The goal is to produce positive change in each patient’s lives, not give obese Americans another excuse to put off losing weight now.

Improved hCG Diets from hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Teach Patients How to Lose Weight, Recently Linked to Weight Discrimination

LogoBeing overweight and not knowing how to lose weight can lead not only to serious physical ailments, but can also have a detrimental effect on an individual’s mental health and self-esteem. A new study performed at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz in Germany considered the controllability of a stigma or stereotype and the influence of such controllability on self-esteem. The research showed that subjects suffering from discrimination for something that they could control, such as weight gain, experienced a lower self-esteem than subjects experiencing discrimination because of an uncontrollable factor such as age or sex. Diet Doc diet plans offer patients relief from discrimination, stereotypes and negative stigmas through fast weight loss, education on how to lose weight and healthy lifestyle changes. Patients can now take control of unnecessary and excess weight gain with personalized diet plans, education on healthy eating and prescription strength hCG.

hCGTreatments/Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Announces Improved hCG Diet's to Help Relieve Chronic Weight Related Back Pain

LogoCountless diseases and disabilities can be attributed to carrying excess weight or obesity, including back pain. Excess weight puts extra pressure on the spine which can, over time, cause the discs’ outer fibers to wear away. Obesity has also been shown to contribute to the development of osteoarthritis in the spine with studies showing that, with weight loss, pain from osteoarthritis subsides in many patients. Excess weight that is carried in the mid, or abdominal, section of the body typically causes the body to pull the pelvis forward, increasing the curve in the low back, referred to as lordosis. Lordosis lends itself to tightening the back muscles and causing strain and/or pain in the low back. Other weight related back conditions include spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis, conditions occurring when excess weight causes an increased strain in the joint that keeps the spine in line.

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Announces More Effective Medical Weight Loss Without Subjecting Patients to Embarrassing Walk-in Clinics

LogoAnyone who has ever gone to a walk-in weight loss clinic has surely felt the discomforting feeling of potential ridicule. While obesity is a certified disease in America, it still carries with it certain incorrect and uncomfortable stigmas. Diet Doc feels that patients should not have to suffer the humility of seeking out a walk-in clinic to assist with weight loss, often times opening themselves up for possible ridicule or simply uncomfortable feelings of unease. With patient self-esteem in mind the company has taken the embarrassment out of seeking help for weight loss by offering its prescription hCG diet to patients nationwide in the privacy and comfort of their own homes. The company offers proven medically supervised hCG diet plans to anyone across the country, without the emotional discomfort or tediousness of a walk-in weight loss clinic. Publishes Examinations of Some of the Best Non-Prescription Diet Pills

In modern society, high calorie foods are readily available and most people earn their living sitting at a desk. The human body isn’t built for this type of lifestyle. That’s why many people struggle with controlling their weight at some point in their lives. This is even worse for people with naturally low metabolisms. However, many people find that weight loss pills help them control their weight even if they live a sedentary lifestyle.

Adderall Substitute Enhances Memory, Improves Weight Loss with No Side Effects

Addrena is a powerful supplement aimed for use by adults with ADHD and/or narcolepsy, who need a mental boost for their everyday routine. This supplement is a breakthrough in the field of medicinal science for it fulfills the purpose of benefiting those who wish to improve their brain functions, increase potential weight loss and get a revitalized body by supplying important and much needed nutrients to the body.

hCG Treatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets and Weight Loss Plans Announces hCG Diet Plans for Quick Weight Loss

LogoObesity in America continues to be a major contributor to numerous diseases and conditions, including diabetes Type II, heart disease, stroke, sleep disorders and even some forms of cancer. Diet Doc’s specially trained quick weight loss experts are dedicated to help all Americans overcome this growing epidemic.

InCareRX Introduces HIPPA Compliant Prescription Discount Card

InCareRx introduces Prescription Discount Card that aim to benefit several people looking for some discount on the retail price of branded and generic drugs from medical pharmacies.

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Announces New Lower Cost hCG Diet

LogoDiet Doc has announced new dieting incentives for potential patients who are ready to shed those extra pounds in time for Summer; their lowest priced hCG diet plans with added price match guarantee. The company's new price match guarantee offers patients nationwide the ability to shop and compare for the best price available. Clients nationwide can contact the company via telephone, email, or Skype and schedule a consultation with expert physicians, each with years of extra medical training in the field of healthy and fast weight loss.

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Provides Patients with an Answer to the 'How to Stop Eating After Just One Potato Chip' Phenomenon

LogoIn an interesting study just considered by Medical News Today, researchers tackle the all too common ‘how to stop eating after eating just one potato chip’ phenomenon and consider the science behind it. Research demonstrates that potato chip fat and carbohydrate content alone is not responsible for problems associated with how to stop eating after a few potato chips and scientists are still searching for the exact cause. Fortunately, Diet Doc weight loss plans can help patients change their lifestyle from one consistent with overeating out of boredom, loneliness or self-medication to a lifelong maintenance lifestyle approach where patients learn how to stop eating for pleasure. Choosing to embrace Diet Doc’s effective hCG weight loss plans can lead to a new, healthier body and lifestyle.

hGCTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Fight Childhood Obesity Linked to Overweight Parents

LogoAccording to the National Survey of Children’s Health, childhood obesity disproportionately affects children living in low-income, low-education and higher-unemployment households. The relationship between poverty and obesity is, unfortunately, well known, and a recent study by researchers at the Inje University Paik Hospital indicates that children living with overweight parents and children that come from families affected by poverty, are at a higher risk for childhood obesity. Diet Doc's diet plans fight the risk of childhood obesity by offering long-term solutions for overweight parents through personalized hCG diet plans designed to achieve fast weight loss as well as a complete lifestyle change, hopefully helping arrest the increasing childhood obesity epidemic.

The Diet Pill Review Offers Attractive Deals on Liproxenol

The Diet Pill Review, providing the best appetite supplements, offers attractive deals on Liproxenol pills. The site, known for providing information on the best diet pills in Australia, is also offering great deals on the diet pills too.

Cancer "Super Drug" Developer, Kalos Therapeutics, to Present at BIO International 2013 Convention

LogoGeorge Colberg, CEO of Kalos Therapeutics, Inc. says, “BIO is the biggest and most prestigious event in our industry. It is an honor and pleasure to present at this event. We look forward to sharing the massive progress that Kalos has made this year.”

Healthy Trim Now Offering a New Edition of the Raspberry Ketone Supplement

LogoFor those who want to lose weight and need a little help from a weight loss supplement, need to take a closer look at the new edition of the raspberry ketone supplement from Healthy Trim because this weight loss supplement is much more than just the raspberry ketones, now a couple of extra powerful ingredients are added to boost your weight loss efforts even more.

Research Confirms Green Tea Could Help Live Longer is excited to share the most recent research on green tea, which confirms you could live longer if you consume green tea on a regular basis. If you aren’t currently drinking green tea, you may want to consider adding it to your ‘to drink’ list. In fact, you might want to sit down and enjoy at least one cup of green tea every day.

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets and Weight Loss Plans Announce Medically Supervised Diet Plans Designed to Promote a Healthy Pregnancy by Losing Dangerous Excess Fat

LogoStudies published in volume 83, issue 11 of the journal "Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica", show that obesity can pose an increased risk for countless gynecological problems in women, especially those within childbearing age. Excess body fat can lead to infertility and even miscarriage. In addition to causing menstrual disorders, obesity lends a strong detrimental effect on the health of expectant mothers, as well as the newborn, and is associated with an increased risk of death in both the baby and the mother with the mother at 10 times higher risk of high blood pressure. Expectant mothers who are obese are more likely to develop gestational diabetes, toxemia and undergo forced Cesarean section delivery, as well as overdue births, longer labors and blood loss during delivery. Infants of women who are obese during an otherwise healthy pregnancy are more likely to be of high birth weight carrying a higher rate of forced Cesarean section delivery as well as increasing the risk for birth defects in the newborn, such as spina bifida. These same studies show that women that lose as little as 10% of their body weight are effective in improving menstrual regularity, ovulation and enjoying a healthy pregnancy. Whether for women attempting weight loss for a healthy pregnancy, or those trying to lose post birth baby weight, Diet Doc can develop personalized hCG diet plans tailored around each patients individual needs.

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Announces Prescription hCG Diet Plans Leading to a Lifetime of Better Health

LogoA recent report form Science daily informs readers that weight loss, and more specifically, healthy long-term dietary changes can not only affect body weight, but actually alter the body genetically as well. According to a study in Cell Press, subjects who lost significant amounts of weight not only experienced changes in body fat content, but also experienced a change in the way their body burns fat at a genetic level, improving its ability to store sugars properly and burn fat. This genetic change offers hope to those who have struggled with obesity, increasing the body’s ability to lose and maintain weight loss exponentially as weight loss occurs.

Ageless Male Review Online Reveals Secrets of Increasing Libido in a Safe and Natural Way

Numerous men experience one or other type of age-related side effects with their growing age. Amongst all, the decrease in sexual libido is the major problem that often cripples life of the majority of the aging men. Now, an online ageless male review website reveals secrets of increasing the sexual drive that the male population will find really very helpful. The product is said to boost the male libido in a natural and safe manner, and scores of males from across the world have experienced positive results after using it.