WebAsyst Products Now Support Unicode

WebAsyst LLC has added Unicode (UTF-8) support to provide multilingual environment in all WebAsyst services.

Wilmington, DE -- (ReleaseWire) -- 09/04/2007 -- WebAsyst™ has added Unicode (UTF-8) support to all WebAsyst (www.webasyst.net) services. Unicode character encoding provides multilingual environment in WebAsyst by recognizing most of the language alphabets: Latin, Cyrillic, Greek, Arabic, Chinese, etc.

Previously, Western (ISO-8859-1) was the default character set of WebAsyst hosted accounts. This standard supported English and other Latin languages only. Unicode support establishes another level of usability in WebAsyst products. Users can now display information in their accounts in one or more languages of their preferences. For example, a single account can contain file names and descriptions, email communication, or contact details stored in English, German, Russian, or Hebrew.

The release of Unicode support highlights WebAsyst’s continuing commitment to offering powerful, efficient, yet user-friendly software, well suited for international business and communication.

This upgrade is the company’s most recent release in its redesign of its services to the Web 2.0 platform. WebAsyst has long led this movement, which brings simplicity and usability to customers with their powerful and elegant software. Further confirming the company’s commitment, WebAsyst is a Silver Sponsor of the Web 2.0 EXPO, to be held in Berlin, Germany, November 5-8, 2007.

To sign up for WebAsyst free account, go to http://www.webasyst.net/signup.php

For more information and a free trial of WebAsyst products, please visit http://www.WebAsyst.net.

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©WebAsyst LLC 2007

Media Relations Contact

Alexander Vasyov
WebAsyst LLC

View this press release online at: http://rwire.com/13574