The Blood Of Drug Related Deaths Is On Psychiatry’s Hands

Vancouver, BC -- (ReleaseWire) -- 03/07/2006 --Health Canada and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reports on the numbers of possible ADHD drug related deaths and injuries are no where near an accurate description of the mayhem caused by psychiatry’s drugs.

The FDA reported that in the four year period between 1999 and 2003, there were twenty-five deaths in persons using Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) drugs, 19 of which were children. Officials also acknowledged that more than 50 cases of cardiovascular problems had been reported, including stoke, heart attack, hypertension, palpitations and arrhythmia.

As an example, on November 20, 1986, after being on Ritalin since the third grade, fourteen-year-old Rod Mathews lured a classmate, Shawn Ouillette, into a wooded area near his home in Canton, Massachusetts, under the pretense of a plan to build a snow fort, and beat him to death with a baseball bat.

Even though he had no prior history of violence, Rod beat Shawn until he died and just left the body in the woods. Rod took 2 friends to see the body, and threatened them with the same fate if they told anyone about the murder.

One prevailing psychiatric theory (key to psychotropic drug and amphetamine type drug sales) is that mental disorders result from a chemical imbalance in the brain. As with this and psychiatry’s other theories, there is no biological or other evidence to prove them. Representative of a large group of medical and biochemistry experts, Elliot Valenstein, Ph.D., author of Blaming the Brain says: “There are no tests available for assessing the chemical status of a living person's brain."

Brian Beaumont, President of the Vancouver chapter of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights stated, "The fact is, there is nothing in any medical or scientific literature that confirms the existence of ADHD. It was invented by a handful of psychiatrists by a show of hands at an American Psychiatric Association meeting in the 80’s. Thus, psychiatrists are labeling and drugging a non-existent malady which are indictable offences, fraud and child abuse.”

On October 9, 1993, 15-year-old Gerard McCra, Jr. shot and killed his mother, Merle, 36, his father, Gerald, 35, and his 11-year-old sister, Melanie, after taking Ritalin for nine years since he was six-years-old.

On the day of the crime, Gerald said his father and sister were about to leave in the family car, and he asked them to wait so that he could go with them. Gerald went back in the house, broke into his grandfather's room, got a loaded gun and shot his mother in the back of the head and then returned to the waiting car, and shot his father and sister in the back of the head as well.

On March 24, 1998 in Jonesboro, Arkansas, 11-year-old Andrew Golden and 14-year-old Mitchell Johnson shot and killed one teacher, four students, and wounded 10 others. According to published reports, the boys were on Ritalin.

Andrew Golden and Mitchell staged a false fire alarm and then began shooting students and teachers as they exited the building. An Arkansas judge found the 2 children guilty of 5 counts of capital murder and 10 counts of battery. The boys received the maximum sentence possible.

On December 1, 1997, 14-year-old Michael Carneal, was on Ritalin, when he started firing a gun during a prayer meeting at a high school in West Paducah, Kentucky, killing Jessica, 17, Kayce, 15, and 14-year-old Nicole, and wounding five other students, including one who is paralyzed.

May 21, 1998: Springfield, Oregon: 15-year-old Kip Kinkel murdered his own parents and then proceeded to school where he opened fire on students in the cafeteria, killing two and wounding 22. Kinkel had been on an antidepressant.

April 16, 1999: Notus, Idaho: 15-year-old Shawn Cooper fired two shotgun rounds in his school narrowly missing students; he was taking a mix of antidepressants.

April 20, 1999: Columbine, Colorado: 18-year-old Eric Harris had been taking an antidepressant when he and his partner Dylan Klebold killed twelve classmates and a teacher before taking his own life in the bloodiest school massacre in history. The coroner confirmed that the antidepressant was in his system through toxicology reports. Dylan Klebold’s autopsy was never made public.

April 29 1999: A 14 year old boy shot two classmates, killing one, at W.R. Myers High School in Taber Alberta. He was seeing a psychiatrist who prescribed him Dexadrine just prior to the shooting.

May 20, 1999: Conyers, Georgia: 15-year-old T.J. Solomon was being treated with a mix of antidepressants when he opened fire on and wounded 6 of his classmates.

March 7, 2000: Williamsport, Pennsylvania: 14-year-old Elizabeth Bush was on an antidepressant Prozac when she blasted away at fellow students in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, wounding one.

For more information on the deadly effects of child drugging, read CCHR's publication, "Child Drugging: Psychiatry Destroying Lives, at

The Citizens Commission on Human Rights was established by the Church of Scientology to investigate and expose psychiatric violations of human rights.

If you know anyone, including a child, who has been abused or harmed by a psychiatrist call The Citizens Commission on Human Rights at 1 800 670 2247. Complete confidentiality assured.

Media Relations Contact

Brian Beaumont

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