Repealing the ACA: What It Could Mean for Medigap Consumers
With all eyes on Congress as it attempts to "repeal and replace" the Affordable Care Act, seniors and others who rely on Medicare are especially attentive.
Clearwater, FL -- (ReleaseWire) -- 06/01/2017 --The Congressional Budget Office has said that during the next decade, more than 23 million people could lose their health insurance.
But even people who keep their insurance might see changes for the worse, AARP has cautioned.
- Older adults might be charged more.
- Patients with pre-existing conditions could also be charged more.
- The cost of prescription drugs might continue to rise.
The ACA's provision to close a "doughnut hole," which might have been closed should the ACA continue until 2020, could also be in jeopardy.
Free preventive health and cancer screenings covered under the ACA might also fall by the wayside.
In addition, repealing the ACA could increase Medicare spending by more than $800 billion by 2025, according to the CBO. That might mean an increase in premiums and deductibles.
While the "repeal," once it is voted on, could take place fairly quickly, the steps to "replace" could take much longer. In the meantime, the 57 million seniors and other Americans who depend on Medicare might see unwelcome changes to their health care coverage.
Medicare patients who are looking to cover any gaps as they wait for the word on "repeal" and "replace" should look into another R of their own--research--and take a look at their best options.
Whether they're most concerned with long-term care, the high cost of taking many prescriptions, or particular coverage for pre-existing conditions, it helps to have expert help in sorting out the details.
About MedicareFAQ
MedicareFAQ specializes in Medicare supplement coverage for customers in all 50 states, and has a mission of being the go-to contact for consumers looking for answers in the hard-to-navigate, sometimes confusing array of options. Agents work to match customers with their most affordable solutions.
For more information, contact MedicareFAQ (Elite Insurance Partners) at 877-413-5343, by email to, or at 2651 McCormick Dr., Clearwater, Florida, 33759. The website is
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Jagger Esch
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