
Social Enterprise Raises a Ridiculous Sum in the First Day Funding Their "New Way of Giving"

“It’s a great start however considering our 5-year plan is to END hunger in the developed world we still have a long way to go” - Stephen Clarke, Founder & CEO of RTG Group Inc.


Toronto, ON -- (ReleaseWire) -- 11/03/2015 --Stephen Clarke founded RTG Group to build a homeless shelter and appease the wishes of his mother. Now, innovative changes to its model have RTG throwing a wrench in the very way we think about philanthropy.

"We call it the New Way of Giving. You don't give the charity money to feed a child, you give them the food itself. There is a growing skepticism around how much of the money given to charities ends up where we expect it to. Our model gives the contributor peace of mind."

The New Way of Giving has certainly struck a chord. The humble goal at RTG's conception was to feed 50,000 kids globally. Now, they predict they'll be feeding 1.2 million kids by the end of 2016 in North America alone. Furthermore, the kids will get RTG's nutritious, organic and GMO-free food called Optimeal.

"Optimeal has the stuff these kids need to THRIVE, not just scrape by. It also tastes so great that we realized it's perfect for hungry people of any age. We'll definitely be serving it at our flagship homeless shelter here in Toronto!"

RTG released a crowdfunding campaign to get Optimeal off the ground yesterday with the goal of raising $100,000 over 30 days. They blew past their goal in their very first day making their 5-year mandate to end hunger in the developed world seem that much more within reach.

Check out where RTG's crowdfunding progress is at now here:

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