Ensminger receives prestigious NRA – National Rifle Association endorsement! Plans special “Meet The Sheriff” event, October 17, 2014 with Exit West performing.
Woodland Park, CO -- (ReleaseWire) -- 10/14/2014 --Sheriff Mike Ensminger has won the nod from the National Rifle Association’s Political Victory Fund, the political action committee of the powerful gun rights lobby.
Ensminger is the only current candidate for Teller County Sheriff to receive this endorsement.
“Sheriff Ensminger, who recently received the endorsement from Dan May, District Attorney, 4th Judicial District as well; was selected by the NRA based on his strong support of 2nd Amendment issues,” said Mick Bates Campaign Co-Chairman.
“Actions of the Sheriff to protect our constitutional rights, speak volumes,” Bates said. “He is a man of action not just words, he puts his words into action as shown by him joining the lawsuit against the unconstitutional Colorado state gun laws, and appearing before the State legislature.”
Ensminger also commented about the key endorsement.
"It is an honor to be among the very few County Sheriffs across the nation to be endorsed by the NRA. After all the long battles in Colorado fighting to protect our right to bear arms in Teller County it is a humbling sound of support."
"Being endorsed by the NRA is a an encouragement in our continued fight against unconstitutional Colorado gun laws."
"The NRA has endorsed a limited number of County Sheriffs across our nation. I am very proud to have their endorsement and look forward to upholding my oath of office to support the Constitution of the United States and state of Colorado"
Ensminger will be hosting a “Meet Your Sheriff” on October 17, 2014 at the Ute Pass Cultural Center, 6 – 8 p.m.
Exit West, a local Colorado band that plays a special blend of country/alternative country and American classic rock will perform at the event.
“Sheriff Mike Ensminger has the integrity, professionalism and leadership experience that is needed in Teller County. He has brought innovative programs to his office of the highest standards of professionalism. I, as your District Attorney, stand behind Mike Ensminger 100% as your next Teller County Sheriff."
-- Dan May, District Attorney, 4th Judicial District
Colorado’s 5th Congressional District Doug Lamborn
Colorado Attorney General, John Suthers
Cripple Creek Police Chief
Colorado County Sheriff’s (to name a few):
Douglas County
Fremont County
Park County
Summit County
Mike Ensminger has lived in the Colorado Springs/Teller County area since June of 1987. After spending several years serving the county of San Diego in a law enforcement capacity, he retired from the San Diego County Sheriff’s office in 1987.
In 1988, Mike was hired as a professor of Criminal Justice at Pikes Peak Community College where he retired from teaching in September of 2010. Mike graduated from Colorado Christian University in 1995 with a B.S. degree in Organizational Management/Human Recourses.
Mike was elected as Teller County Sheriff in 2010 and took office early that year in September.
Mike’s non-profit experience incorporated Special Olympics from 1989 to the late 90’s, and is currently on the Board of Directors for Susan G. Komen. He has served on the Board of Directors for the Ronald McDonald House and participated in events with Care and Share and the Little Chapel of the Hills food pantry.
He has been appointed by the Governor and currently serves on the Child Fatality Review Board for the State of Colorado and is the representative for the County Sheriffs of Colorado on the State DUI Task force.
He is married to his wonderful wife Maria and now resides in the lovely community of Florissant, Colorado.
For more about Sheriff Ensminger:
Re-Elect Video: http://youtu.be/pAynXBSHGxo
Website: http://ensminger2014.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ensminger2014
Twitter: @ensminger2014