On August 4th, 2014, SBWire announced (Press Release | Blog Post) that it would now operate under the name ReleaseWire. We are providing the following Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) to our clients to help make the transition as smooth as possible.
If you have additional questions which are not covered below please feel free to contact us. We are happy to help.
Q) Why is SBWire changing its name?
A) We wanted a name that reflects our core value of providing effective media engagement services to businesses of all sizes.
Q) With the change to ReleaseWire, is there any changes being made to my subscription?
A) Your subscription will remain as it was with SBWire. We will be adding additional subscription features and options in the coming months.
Q) Will the RSS feeds offered by SBWire change?
A) Yes, the RSS and Atom feeds located at feeds.sbwire.com will move to feeds.releasewire.com.
Q) What will happen to the sbwr.co short domain name?
A) We will continue to support this short domain going forward, however we are suggesting the new rwire.com short domain for all new links.
Q) Will the SBWire Help Desk remain?
A) Yes, however it will now be located at http://help.releasewire.com/
Q) Will the contact information for ReleaseWire be the same as SBWire's?
A) Yes, however we are changing our toll-free telephone number for US based clients. The new number is +1-855-593-5640. Also our email addresses will now end with @releasewire.com
Q) I had a press release hosted on SEO Press Releases / Release Wire before SBWire acquired their service, will it be hosted on SBWire?
A) Unfortunately, we were unable to import the press releases from SEO Press Releases or the old Release Wire sites into the new ReleaseWire service.