Leisure and Lifestyle: Fitness - Press Releases

Tama Martial Arts Promote Kid-Friendly and Health-Beneficial Martial Arts Programs

Martial arts has been a part of man's culture for centuries, perhaps for as long as man existed, and Tama Martial Arts ensures that the arts taught are beneficial to everybody's health and are kid-friendly. Where other martial arts clubs focus entirely on physical strength and combat, Tama Martial Arts makes it a point to teach kids karate or wu shu and others in order to stay fit, stay disciplined, and to be able to defend themselves when necessary.

Fitness Life Stories Features Amputee Runner Scott Tucker

Fitness Life Stories, a website featuring inspiring fitness tales from around the globe, focuses on Scott Tucker in the site's most recent article. Tucker, a marathon runner, has overcome many physical challenges from his combat injuries in order to return to peak health.

SugarSmarts Attacks Belly Fat with Launch of New over the Counter Weight Loss Product

Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey reveal that 2 out of 3 adults are now considered to be either overweight or obese. While the term overweight refers to the amount of excess weight deriving from muscles, bone, fat and water, obesity refers only to the excess amount of body fat. Health experts state the most dangerous location to carry this excess body fat is in the belly region, stating that belly fat carries serious health risks. The visceral fat has been linked with dangerous health issues such as cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, and colorectal cancer.

Pure White Mulberry Leaf Extract Garners Favorable Feedback from Users

Developed to help millions around the world achieve their fitness goals, weight loss supplements have come under increasing scrutiny with time. In addition, it is common to come across people who are highly reluctant to use weight loss supplements to achieve their ultimate goals. While those at the other end of the spectrum praise these products for their supposed ability to bring about rapid weight loss results, others believe that these supplements are no more than rip offs designed with the sole purpose of extracting money from naïve and often desperate users. However, some products, such as the Pure White Mulberry Leaf Extract by BioGanix have made some real success stories. Unsurprisingly, the White Mulberry Leaf Extract Pure by BioGanix has received highly favorable reviews from users as most of them praise the product's ability to deliver clear results.

BioGanix Launches Much Awaited Phytoceramides Plant Derived Supplement & Promises Brilliant Anti-Aging Benefits

While most anti-aging products are derived from chemicals and bring about short term gains, the solution brought forward by BioGanix is a revolution of its own. By using ceramides that have been derived from plants, BioGanix has cashed on the ongoing trend of offering ceramides that are derived from wheat and sweet potato to ensure users benefit from stronger and safer skin care solutions. Hence, the company has finally launched its much awaited anti-aging solution the Phytoceramides Premium, a Phytoceramides plant derived supplement. With the Phytoceramides Premium finally in the market, BioGanix has set out to provide individuals with the ultimate anti-aging solution.

Maximumshrednow.com Announced Free Trial Samples for Public

A new website, Maximumshrednow.com, was recently launched to provide readers information about Maximum Shred, the newest muscle building supplements available in the market today. The website is offering free trial samples of the product, which claims to help individuals can gain muscles, strength and power naturally and quickly. Readers can find all necessary information about Maximum Shred, including how to avail of the free trail sample, at the website.

Xbestcrossfitshoesx.com Provides in-Depth Reviews of Crossfit Shoes and Gear

The most important thing to possess while starting a Crossfit program is a perfect pair of crossfit shoes. There are many websites that sell and tell people about the shoes that they can choose however there are not many websites that actually review these shoes based on their performance, brand and actual usage. www.xbestcrossfitshoesx.com is one unique website which was started by Paolo to inform people about the concept of Crossfit and its gear. They conduct comprehensive research about Crossfit gear be it shoes, outfits or equipment. This helps their users to be the first one to know about the newest thing available to pursue their Crossfit training more effectively. They review shoes for both men and women covering almost all kinds of brands like Reebok, Nike and New Balance.

Exercisewithresistancebands Reveals Great Insight About Resistance Bands

Fitness experts and enthusiasts from all over the world have revealed the significance of resistance bands, which are also commonly known as fitness bands. These bands have been created for all those people who wish to attain ultimate fitness within the comfort of their homes. Not only are these bands highly flexible, but they are also quite effective and enable people to gain a lot of strength in a short period of time.

Free Diet Pill Reviews Offered by Diet Pill Consumer Through Interactive Website

Diet Pill Consumer has created a website that aims to illustrate the many varieties and brands of commercial and prescription diet pills to the Australian market. The website provides the viewers with reviews and ratings written by professionals who are either fitness experts or has experienced using the products.

Emotional Future Pacing Key to Permanent Weight Loss

Michael Phelps is a swimmer no one needs introduction to. Similarly greats like Tiger Woods, Roger Federer and other champions have one thing in common. We are not discussing about their skills or talent or what they have achieved in life, but we are discussing about their preparation methods. Each and every one of them has undergone a particular type of mental conditioning in the psychological training offered by their expert team of coaches.

MP45 and MP45X Gaining Huge Popularity as Number 1 Workout Program for the Gym

MP45 is a popular workout routine and meal plan program for the gym designed to get users into the best shape possible in just 45 days. The program is based around the philosophy of H.I.S.T., known as High Intensity Stimulation Training. This type of training combines a sprinter's workout with a powerlifter's workout to create the ultimate training experience. Jaret Grossman, creator of MP45, believes that H.I.S.T. is the best type of training because it shocks the muscles and central nervous system.

How to Detox Your Body and How to Do It Naturally

Toxins, toxic waste, junk food. Nobody wants to hear those terrible words when speaking about their health. How to detox your body is all the rage nowadays with more and more people seeking out solutions how to do it more thoroughly, what is the best way to detoxify your body. Many of them are even wondering how to detox your body naturally. Well, the people behind health360 website have taken a closer look at the DetoxPlus+, colon-cleansing system capsules made by well-established UK Company Evolution Slimming.

My Fit Store Unveils New Products

My Fit Store provides a wide range of fitness equipment including Rubber Hex Dumbbell sets.

GT Fitness Concepts Opens Its Doors to Transform the Fitness Business in Little Falls New Jersey

Fitness is often at the back of people's minds over the Christmas season, but as soon as New Year arrives it returns with a vengeance. At that point many people seek to sign up to gyms and personal training regimes to help them cut off the holiday excess and get a body closer to their ideal. Not all gyms, and not all trainers are created equally however, and so finding the best trainer requires some searching. GT Fitness Concepts has opened just in time to take advantage of this rush, and personal trainer George Tsemberlis guarantees an unforgettable and effective training experience.

Super Body, Super Brain Exercise Program Launches in Asia

LogoSuper Body, the Super Brain (SBSB) has finished a spectacular tour in the Southeast Asia region in the countries of Singapore and Indonesia reaching the next milestone for the Southeast Asia expansion and brand establishment. Super body Super Brain is a cutting edge exercise program involving a multidisciplinary approach involving neurologists, psychiatrists, Kinesiologists and personal trainers among others to deliver the best brain body exercise program. The program has been launched in Singapore and Indonesia certifying over 200 instructors and implementing the program in the Medical Hospital of Azra in Bogor. Michael Gonzalez-Wallace, CEO and Founder of the Program Super Body, Super Brain was also invited by The Indonesia Faculty of Medicine to explain his multidisciplinary approach to exercise and how doctors and fitness trainers should be working together creating better health programs.

An Inspirational Weight Loss Coach Introduces His Inspired "Fit & Fast Food"

LogoNicholas Viviano, a specialist in the fitness and weight loss industry, has launched a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo in order to bring his "Fit & Fast Food" healthy food line to the public. This campaign has a funding goal of $32,000, which needs to be raised by January 6th in order to make his idea a reality. Fit & Fast Food is an inspired alternative to unhealthy fast food, and focuses on everyone who truly cares about their health. Life often gets hectic, and even though people want to eat healthy, it isn't always convenient which is why fast food is so popular. However, when a person is leaving the gym and feeling great after a work-out, the last thing they want to do is stop at a fast food joint and undo all of the progress they just made with their work-out. That is where the Fit & Fast Food line will help.

Apera Signs Term Sheet with Barbara Corcoran Ventures

Denver-based Apera LLC, an innovative fitness bag company, has executed a term sheet with Barbara Corcoran Venture Partners. As a leading businesswoman, real estate mogul, investor, and one of ABC's "Sharks" on SHARK TANK, Barbara Corcoran brings tremendous insight and experience to help Apera implement its growth plan.

Montogo.com Releases Latest Review of the P90 Workout Program

Montogo.com recently published a review the P90 workout, a fitness program designed by Tony Horton. The P90 Workout has been advertised as a 90 day transformation designed for everyone. This fitness program claims to transcend age and fitness level, to leave individuals with a healthy and fit body. Unlike other Beachbody workouts which are known for their high level of intensity, the P90 Workout can help individuals attain their desired fitness level, at a lower intensity and effort. According to Montogo.com, the fitness program is designed for everyone who wants to get in shape or stay in shape, without the hard routines usually associated with being fit and healthy.

FitSeats Publishes a New List of the Year's Top Five Yoga Ball Chairs for Posture and Fitness

Yoga Balls are known for their many fitness applications, being a versatile tool that can help people use balance to work their core, and keep the core engaged while doing other basic exercises like crunches, pushups and more. What many people don't yet realize however is that the yoga ball can also be an invaluable office tool as well, helping people maintain and correct their posture and sit more healthily at their desks. FitSeats regularly review yoga ball seats for home and office use and have now collated a list of their top five for 2014, publishing a Fitseats recommended products list.

Bridging the Nutritional Value Deficiencies: Gary Null Discusses the Struggle on the Effectivity and Use of Dietary Supplements

LogoImproving the overall wellness of people that food alone cannot fully provide made dietary supplements ideal in filling up the gaps on the daily nutritional values that people need which have led many researchers to question the value and efficiency of integrating such supplements in the system.

Irvine Personal Trainers Help Dorothea's Battle with Cancer

LogoWhen she was 52-years-old, Huntington Beach resident Dorothea Kalatschan was at the 12th mile of a half marathon and having doubts about the way she was taking care of her body. Although she had been active since the age of 25, Kalatschan was concerned that she was hurting herself by constantly training for long distance events: "Am I trying to prove to myself that I can run these 13 miles? There had to be a better way to feel better, look better, think better, and be more on task." Kalatschan found her answer with the personal trainers at Innovative Results (IR) in Costa Mesa.

3 Recumbent Bikes That Can Help People Lose Weight and Get Fit After Christmas Are Featured at ENetHealth.com

Many people enjoy using using an upright exercise bike because these simple workouts are great for toning, fitness and weight loss as they burn hundreds of calories during each 25-30 minute workout. However recumbent exercise bikes, which come with back rests for extra support, offer the same kind of benefits, which is why ENetHealth have recently recommended three in particular that are worth buying.

Mint Condition Fitness Announces Customized Training Program for the New Year

LogoThe approach of the holidays marks the coming of the New Year – when people set resolutions and focus on achieving their goals. Many people make their health a New Year's resolution – and that's exactly the expertise of Mint Condition Fitness. Their facility specializes in exercise and fitness through the service of their personal trainers in Philadelphia – who are labeled the best by their clients who have seen the results. Customers who want to get fit for the New Year can depend on the company's customized training program, which adheres to the specific health goals of each individual.

Fitness Site Jofi Publishes List of Top Nitric Oxide Supplements for 2014

Jofi, a leading fitness website, announced the release of the company's rankings of the top nitric oxide supplements for 2014. Including five of the best-known and most widely available products on the market, the new list will be of great interest to bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts looking to speed up their muscle development progress. Because of the site's particular focus on the potential fitness-related benefits of nitric oxide supplements, Jofi is one of the leading online authorities on the subject and therefore especially well qualified to release rankings of this sort.

Philly Personal Training Announces Addition of New Personal Trainer This November

The thought of the upcoming holiday meals has many looking for a way to shed the calories they are bound to consume. Those looking to not only burn a few extra pounds, but also work towards a toned body turn to personal trainers. With a personal trainer, the client knows they are getting the most out of every workout while also ensuring they are using proper form and warding off setbacks. To help more Philadelphians reach their fitness goals this November, Philly Personal Training has announced the addition of a new personal trainer, Shaun Logan.