Retail: Consumer Electronics - Press Releases

E-CIG READY Announces New 20% off Apollo Coupon Code

LogoA 20% off Apollo coupon code is being offered through E-CIG Ready by using: BESTECIG during checkout. This 20% discount allows customers to purchase a starter kit for these electronic cigarettes at a substantial savings. Apollo is one of the more popular e-cig brands currently being sold.

VAPE Click Announces New Volcano Vaporizer Review

LogoThere is a new Volcano vaporizer review available on VAPE Click. The Volcano vaporizer is a product that is designed to enhance the aroma of herbs and products used in alternatives to traditional tobacco smoking. The review covers the basic features of this device, the price and whether it is the best choice of the products available.

VAPE Click Announces the Best Vaporizers and Vaporizer Reviews

LogoA new website called VAPE Click featuring new reviews on vaporizing products is now online. The vaporizing products that are being reviewed offer a new way for smokers to get the nicotine they need without having to expose themselves to tobacco products.

E-CIG HUB Announces E-Lites Discount

LogoA special E-Lites discount is now being offered on starter kits for the E-Lites electronic cigarettes. E-Lites are considered one of the most popular e-cigs on the market today. With a strong resemblance to the classic Marlboro line of cigarettes in terms of packaging, the E-Lites enjoy all the advantages that electronic cigarettes bring to customers.

Aerial Filming Store - High Quality RC Aerial Video Equipment for Everyone

Aerial Photography is an extremely useful tool and resource for several different reasons, some which you probably do not expect. While these photos are stunning to think about, taken numerous feet high across the ground even though the photographer is a type of aircraft such as a helicopter, or in another type of aerial transportation like a hot air balloon, they could also serve as a very functional little bit of imagery that may be useful to businesses, construction companies and a whole lot.

Vape Like a Boss Launches Research Site Informing E-Smokers of Brands & Reviews

E-cigarette sales are expected to cross the $1 billion mark for the first time in 2013, according to sales projections from the Tobacco Vapor Electronic Cigarette Association. With sales more than doubling since their inception in 2008, the introduction of these electronic alternatives have been been taking the world by storm, says Vape Like a Boss author Nick Hein.

EverSmoke Electronic Cigarettes Acknowledges World No Tobacco Day

Breathe easy with World No Tobacco Day and EverSmoke Electronic Cigarettes. EverSmoke is an alternative smoking option that contains no tobacco, no tar, no smoke and no secondhand smoke. The only tobacco found in an EverSmoke e-Cig is liquid flavored tobacco. In the celebration of World No Tobacco Day on May 31, 2013, this is the perfect opportunity to educate individuals on EverSmoke’s smoking alternative.

Eco Friendly Light Bulbs Are Now Available at, an online retailer that features a huge selection of affordable light bulbs, has just added eco friendly lighting products to its website.

E Cig Reviews Website Launches to Help People Find the Best eCig Reviews

Electronic or E-cigarettes have lately acquired a real surge of popularity. Many users of this devices deem it as a great and less harmful alternative to conventional smoking. This feature of e-cigarettes has encouraged a lot of smokers of traditional cigarettes to make the switch to this safer option and it seem e-cigarettes are now the front runners in the race of smoking alternatives. By understanding the mechanism at play of these e-cigarettes, it is easier to understand why countless smokers have made the switch. Liquid nicotine which is an extract of tobacco is heated inside the electronic cigarettes and the smoker smokes the vapor of this liquid nicotine. This delivers the same strong flavor without the odor. This process eliminates the tobacco smoke which is harmful for not only for the person who is smoking the cigarette but also the people around the smoker. The increase of popularity of e-cigarettes has driven many different to brands of e-cigarettes to surface. Some are better than other but all have their pros and cons. It is wise to do a little research before investing in a new Electronic Cigarette. #1 E Cig Reviews is a website dedicated to provide readers with high quality, reliable electronic cigarette reviews of popular e-cigarette brands available in the market right now.

South Beach Smoke: Cigarettes Butts Threatening Ocean Floors

LogoFrom the Pacific Ocean to the Mississippi River to the Great Lakes there is tons of trash that is generated by natural disasters and human activity. More than anything else, cigarette butts are the most generated piece of trash found in the waters. Last year more than 2 million cigarette butts were found. This number can be significantly reduced should smokers use a South Beach Smoke electronic cigarette.

Want to Purchase That Juicer? Read the Reviews First at Charlotte's Vineyard

We are at a time where people are becoming more and more health conscious. Juicing, is not an activity that is deeply ingrained with a lot of health buffs’ lifestyles. It is something that more and more people are also wanting for their own, that is why buying a juicer is a top priority.

CocktailNerd Features New NutriCigs Review with a Giveaway is the Internet’s leading source for all information pertaining to electronic cigarettes. Now the CocktailNerd team is getting an exclusive first look at the new brand NutriCigs and offering readers all the details about these new fortified electronic cigarettes. Along with featuring a new NutriCigs review, CocktailNerd will also be hosting a NutriCigs giveaway for readers through social media on their Facebook page. Launches Review of V2 Cigs Electronic Cigarettes

Electronic cigarettes have changed the world of smoking forever. Originally they were just a novelty, but technology in this area has advanced significantly. Now they represent a truly satisfying alternative to conventional cigarette smoking, and they are enjoyed en masse by people all over the world.

Electronic Cigarettes Provide Healthy Alternative to Smokers Worldwide

Electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes are a breakthrough invention of the 21st century. Not only are these cigarettes free of harmful effects to the health and environment, their use have compelled many smokers to switch to the healthy alternative and eventually kick the habit of smoking for good. The first electronic cigarette was invented by a Chinese scientist to combat the high amount of air pollution caused by tobacco smoking. His invention was the first blueprint for all future electronic cigarettes to be made.

A Electronic Cigarette CMO Reveals New Information on 10 of the Most Deadly Chemicals in Cigarettes and a Free Trial E-Cig Offer

Cigarette warnings have appeared on cigarette packages since 1966 and the newest set of warnings began appearing in Sept. 2012, providing graphic encouragement for switching to a electronic cigarette. Brian Green, CMO of A Electronic Cigarette, announced that the firm is offering a free Regal ecigarette starter kit and released new information for smokers on 10 of the most deadly chemicals found in traditional cigarettes. Publishes a Comprehensive Review of Green Smoke Electronic Cigarettes

Electronic cigarettes are a healthier, cheaper and more convenient alternative to smoking traditional tobacco cigarettes. It’s little wonder that they have grabbed the public’s consciousness. Electronic cigarettes are growing in popularity with more and more smokers are switching to e cigs.

Z!Ng Revolution Enables Customers to Buy Cell Phone Skins and Receive 50% off on Second Skin

LogoZ!ng Revolution enables its customers to buy cell phones skins and get an off of 50% on the second skin. These covers comes with Charles Gilchrist designs on them. Customers may also get designs that include Flower of Life, Kundalini Rising, Love in Twelve Parts, Love in Twelve, Poof black and white.

Best E-Cigarette Brands in the Market Reviewed and Rated at Smoking Section

What do people really look for when it comes to e-cigarettes? Is it popularity of the brand? The taste? How consistent the smoke feels to the throat and mouth? All these questions are tackled and answered at Smoking Section where there are numbers of e-cig reviews coming from different brands. An e-cig review is helpful especially for those looking to purchase e-cigarettes or those seeking the best e-cigarette brand.

My GSM Store Offers Solavei Services to the Customers

LogoMy GSM Store, a leading unlocked GSM cell phones provider, offers its customers with Solavei mobile service. Solavei has created a buzz in the market by using its innovative method of social connectivity through its unique social commerce platform. Using Solavei users can use unlimited 4G services by paying a small amount of money.

Millions of Americans Face Secondhand Smoke Exposure, Avoid It with EverSmoke

In recent years, many U.S. states and cities have implemented policies that prohibit tobacco smoking in all indoor areas of public places. However, private settings like one’s home or car is still a major source of secondhand smoke exposure. EverSmoke Electronic Cigarettes provides an alternative smoking option that contains no tobacco, no tar, no smoke and no secondhand smoke.

7's Electronic Cigarettes Hailed 'The Smoker's Smart Choice'

If someone is seen lighting up in an enclosed public space, there’s a good chance they’ve made the savvy choice of replacing their traditional smokes for an electronic cigarette. As a fantastic alternative to tobacco, millions of smokers are making the switch each year. While there’s plenty of manufactures to buy from, no company is experiencing rapid growth and brand recognition like 7’s Electronic Cigarettes.

A South Carolina Bill Could Place Tax on Electronic Cigarettes

South Carolina passed a bill on Wednesday that would allow the state to tax electronic cigarettes. Although the bill passed, supporters have acknowledged that it has a small chance of becoming a law this year. Optima Cigs is one of many electronic cigarette companies that offer smokers an alternative to traditional tobacco and who would be affected by the law.

E-CIG HUB Announces the Best E-Cigarette UK Reviews and Discounts

LogoE-CIG HUB is a new website that reviews the most popular brands of electronic cigarettes . The purpose of the website is to offer readers an informed, unbiased review of e-cig brands. E-CIG HUB is dedicated to proving their readership with top quality reviews so that potential customers can make the best informed decision.

Experience Trendy Online Shopping when Looking for Cameras

For people who are searching for the right camera, can go long way to help you with online shopping. aims at providing helpful reviews about the best-selling digital cameras online. It offers fast, full and complete reviews about digital cameras in the market. It provides vital information about the specifications of different cameras that the customer is looking for. With the help of, customers can buy cameras online that match up to their expectations.

Big Button Mobile Phone Perfect for Older Generation from

Almost everyone crave for the latest smart phone having latest features and designs. However, not everyone is comfortable with the use of touch screens and the small buttons. Hence, for these kinds of people, handsets like Big Button Mobile Phone are appropriate for their use. Big Button Mobile Phone is a simple handset which does not have complex designs and features that seem complicated to understand for the user.