Retail: Consumer Electronics - Press Releases

E-CIG Ready Announces E-Cigarette Coupons and Reviews

LogoE-Cig Ready is a new website that provides the latest discounts, coupons and deals on electronic cigarettes. E-Cig Ready is an all-in-one website that provides customers who use electronic cigarettes with a variety of discounts in purchasing starter kits.

South Beach Smoke: Should Smokers Be Allowed on Film Set

LogoThe film industry in Wales, England argues that actors should be allowed to smoke on set. Film and TV companies urge for an exemption to allow smoking on set for creative purposes. However, a happy medium can be met with a South Beach Smoke electronic cigarette.

Gadget Case to Sell Armbands and Ear Buds Guaranteed to Stay in Place

Gadget Case has announced the sale of Armbands designed to comfortably and safely hold an iPod as well as ear buds that are guaranteed to stay in a runner’s ears. Many people have a problem keeping most brands of ear buds in place when they are running or even walking. Armbands are designed in a certain way to make transporting the iPod Nano and iPod Shuffle, as well as iPhones.

Makers of Quattroclamp Launch Crowdfunding Project to Raise 10,000

LogoMade for mounting the iPhone, or any smartphone of similar size, to a laptop the product is ideal for a MacBook, MacBook Air, an iPad, or new iMac. Essentially though, consumers will be able to mount their iPhone to any laptop with a slim monitor. “This will be a hit in the marketplace hands down.” said Dmitry, a representative of Quattroclamp. “We’re so confident that we’re asking that people support our goal of $10,000 for further development and get a clamp of their own ahead of schedule.”

Vizio Noise Canceling Home Theater Headphones with Ipod Dock Reviewed

LogoFor shoppers looking for a great set of wireless headphones, they won’t do much better than the VIZIO XVTHP200 Active Noise Canceling High Definition Home Theater Headphones with Wireless Dock for iPod. These high-def wireless beauties have features to satisfy even the most discerning sound guru. These headphones will be available on as a 1 day deal @ 37% Off on Tuesday, May 21, 2013. So, why buy Vizio wireless headphones? Here are a few of the details.

E-CIG READY Announces 10% off South Beach Smoke Coupons

LogoThere is now 10% off South Beach Smoke coupons being offered for Starter Kits through E-CIG READY. South Beach is widely regarded as one of the better e-cigs on the market today. By providing plenty of flavor choices in a high quality product, South Beach looks to establish themselves as one of the premiere electronic cigarette brands on the market today.

Opt for EverSmoke Electronic Cigarettes in Hotel Rooms

A new study has found smoke residue, on the surface and in the air of both smoking and non-smoking rooms, of hotels who allow smoking in only designated rooms. Levels were highest among smoking rooms. However, levels in non-smoking rooms were still higher than those found in completely smoke-free hotels. EverSmoke can offer a smoking alternative that contains no smoke, or second-hand smoke, which could decrease the amount of smoke residue found in hotel rooms.

Electronic Cigarettes: A Healthier Alternative for Smokers

Electronic cigarettes are the latest buzz in tinsel town and slowly gaining more and more popularity with smokers who are trying to quit the habit. Electronic cigarettes or E cigarettes offer many healthy alternatives which are not found in tobacco cigarettes. Any individual who smokes regular tobacco cigarettes would need persuasion to switch to a healthier alternative. Why? Because smoking is addictive in nature. Even when knowing the health hazards associated with tobacco cigarettes, smokers all over the world cannot resist the unhealthy urge to puff some nicotine into their systems. To all such smokers, hope is not lost. A browse through the website will convince people why buying electronic cigarettes are both a wise and beneficial decision. What’s more, the site has complete information on the making, usage and brands of electronic cigarettes available through online ordering.

Free Starter Kit Now Available for Those Switching to Electronic Cigarettes

Electronic cigarettes have been gaining a lot of popularity during recent times, a lot of people who used to smoke tobacco burning cigarettes are switching to electronic cigarettes. There are plenty of strong advantages of choosing to use electronic cigarettes, the most prominent advantage is that these new cigarettes are a healthier alternate to conventional smokes, thus many smokers are using it as a way to quit smoking. People who are trying to figure out if electric cigarettes are for them can order a free trial on:

ZING Revolution Offers a 20% Discount on Cell Phone Parts

LogoZING Revolution offers 20% off, on best in quality cell phone parts and accessories. The company carries a unique collection of Samsung and Apple cell phone accessories, like stylish skins, hard cases, bumpers and others to give a more attractive look to the gadget. Nonetheless, they provide accessories for all other major e-device brands.

E-CIG HUB Releases New E-Lites Review

LogoA new review has been published about E-Lites electronic cigarettes . The review provides extensive information about the E-Lites product including the starter kit, the accessories and performance of the E-Lites.

E-CIG HUB Announces New Lucky 8s Review 2013

LogoA new review has been published about the Lucky 8s electronic cigarette and starter kit. Lucky 8s is an e-cig product that does not use tobacco, but instead is an electronic device that simulates a traditional cigarette. Lucky 8s is one of the fastest growing e-cig products in the UK.

E-CIG READY Announces 20% off Apollo E-Cig Coupon Code

LogoA new 20% off Apollo e-cig coupon code is now being offered: BESTECIG. Apollo is one of the more popular electronic cigarettes on the market today. The 20% discount for starter kits is designed to provide an alternative to the conventional cigarettes which tend to cost a lot more than electronic cigarettes.

E-CIG READY Announces 10% off EverSmoke Coupon

LogoA new 10% off EverSmoke coupon has just been released through E-CIG READY. EverSmoke is an electronic cigarette designed to replace traditional tobacco cigarettes for those who wish to quit smoking, reduce the health risks associated with smoking or to pay less money for their smoking habit.

7'S Ecigs Emerges to Be Best Electronic Cigarette Brand Review

The best electronic cigarette brand according to the experts of and many more is MY7'S Ecigs.

Buy Camera Online Launches New Site, Celebrates National Photography Month with Sale

LogoMay is National Photography Month, and photographers and photo enthusiasts looking for the best digital camera can find all they need and more in the new Buy Camera Online store. To celebrate its site launch, the company is offering discounts all through the month of May. Customers who join the company’s Facebook fan page will receive coupons and special alerts on exclusive product discounts, up to 40 percent.

EverSmoke: New Attitudes Toward E-Cigarettes in Canada

Canadian health organizations have view electronic cigarettes as a threat. Yet recently the attitudes toward e-Cigs have begun to change in Canada. EverSmoke Electronic Cigarettes, a popular electronic cigarette company in The United States, is currently unable to sell their products to Canadians. EverSmoke is an electronic cigarette company that offers a smoking alternative.

Find out Why Buying an Electronic Cigarette Online Has Greater Benefits Than in Person

Electronic cigarettes or E cigarettes are an innovative trend for the health conscious and environmental friendly class of smokers. Or for those who simply want to kick the habit, electronic cigarettes can pave the way towards quitting a lot easier. For some of the fashionistas who follow each and every fad to be a part of the crowd, electronic cigarette smoking is also one of the leading fashion trends to grip Tinsel Town and score hundreds into the market for a ‘healthier’ smoke. Is Now Offering Whole Sale iPhone Cases

Apple has been leading the gadget industry now-a-days. All its products are a rage amongst people from all age groups. It has launched various products. These are iPods, iPhones, iPads and iTV ; many more to add to the list.

Altria's Foray Into the E-Cigarette Market

Altria will foray into the electronic cigarette UK niche market, with its launch of e-cigarettes slated to take place in the second half of this year. The Richmond, Virginia based company has issued a statement confirming the launch but did not disclose the market in which it will launch the e-cigarette. The company will provide further details on the launch in June.

Revolver Electronic Cigarette Urges Hollywood Casino to Reconsider E-Cig Limitations

Revolver Electronic Cigarette urges Hollywood Casino to reconsider their smoking ban that prohibits anything that emits vapor, including electronic cigarettes (e-Cigs). With 4 out of 6 Ohio casinos permitting the use of electronic cigarettes (Horseshoe Casino in Cleveland and Cincinnati, Scioto Downs in Columbus and Thistle Down also in Cleveland). Revolver Electronic Cigarette owner and co-founder Matt Smith is puzzled by the stance Hollywood Casino takes against e-Cigs stating, “The 2006 Ohio Smoke-Free Act only applies to the burning of tobacco.

Grand Opportunity to Buy Camera Online at Photo Store

The Photo Store hosts a huge collection of cameras at their site along with their supported accessories. The site intended for customers worldwide has the products at varying price ranges and models. The site offers cameras of almost all the leading brands in the world and less known ones as well which would be suitable for different budgets. The site features the best selling ones and most desired ones in separate fields with their image and features described.

BloNo Smoke Introduces New Pipe for Vaping Users

Enjoying cigarettes in electronic cigarettes in electronic form is the latest way for smokers to enjoy the pleasures of a smoke without offensive odor and tobacco residue and ash. BloNo Smoke offers a variety of e cigarette kits and e cig accessories, but until now pipe smokers have been forced to change not only their smoking habits but the delivery method they prefer. Now, with the introduction of a new e cig in pipe form, those who prefer pipes can also enjoy the benefits of the best e cig juice in a container that imitates the look and feel of a hand carved pipe. Finally, pipe smokers can enjoy the benefits of "vaping," or vaporized smoking.

Vape Like a Boss Highlights Benefits of Smokeless Cigarettes

Citi, the investment bank, believes the smokeless cigarette is one of ten technologies which will have a significant impact on the way global business is done. Citi projects, by 2015, global sales of the smokeless cigarette will reach $3.2 billion. In 2010, sales came in at $416 million. "For those who have considered trying a vapor cigarette, now is the time to do so with many electronic cigarette brands to select from," Nick Hein of Vape Like a Boss declares.

EverSmoke Electronic Cigarettes Offers Mother's Day Special

All moms deserve the best on Mother’s Day, and what better way to show mom love than to purchase her a better way to smoke? Help encourage Mom to smoke without any tar, ash, smoke or second-hand smoke by purchasing her an EverSmoke electronic cigarette starter kit!